Monday, March 3, 2008

How Many Calories In London Fog

My work on the blog I've posted anche sul forum di Celticworld .
Mi riaffaccio al forum dopo qualche giorno di assenza , ed osservo con piacere che tutti e tre i thread che ho aperto non sono morti, ma hanno anzi suscitato un po' di movimento... Non univoco, ovviamente, e le critiche sono numerose... Ma anche gli argomenti sollevati sono in taluni casi indubbiamente interessanti.
Cercherò di rispondere a molti messaggi (invero, meriterebbero tutti una risposta... ma so già che non riuscirò a farlo, e di ciò mi scuso sinceramente).

Desidero però sottolineare un paio di considerazioni sui miei scritti, ovvero i punti che hanno suscitato maggiori critiche (ed anche qualche polemica).
Molti mi hanno accusato di essere drastic and professor in my assertions.
Maybe. Indeed, some use the imperative. Just like in cookbooks: "Take two egg whites, Montale in a bowl ...". The hypothetical banana recipe with anchovies and candy will be written to the emperor. So what? Does that mean you are obliged to make this dish? No, you are perfectly free to establish as a dish that should do just suck, turn the page, and let that scream for eternity to load: "Take two bananas, cover of anchovy paste ..." Or you can leave
tickle, and try to achieve it, that recipe ... And after that, to establish unequivocally that are just disgusting ... Or maybe you find that you like.
Oh yes, free will is a good thing ...
Also, remember that my writings do not go back to yesterday, so I wrote them in pencil and a notebook, something like 15 or even 20 years ago. And now, as they beat them to the computer, offer them in blogs and forums.
style perhaps influenced by two authors (cursed and now almost forgotten) and then I'm passionate about a lot. However, not matter the reason, so my writing was born. And because, after twenty years, are among the few writings that continue to recognize even without uncertainty, and that marked my first steps on a path that, on balance, I was not disappointed ... Well, it seems right riproporveli as they are. You do not like? Sorry but I do not know what to do: I apologize on behalf of myself that, twenty years ago, wrote them ...
am also convinced that a written document, any written, after a certain period of time living its own life, and that even the author has more right to manipulate and correct it. A little 'as the children for a time we have a duty to lead and shape ... But at some point we have to let go their own way. And this also happens with the writings ... But that's another story.
Many have also criticized for not introducing myself, not having spoken to me ... And maybe have added critical "as you claim that you believe, unless he shows by what authority by certain classes? "
These people objected that it is now common to assess a defect in itself does not work, but who wrote it ... a fatally biased now included in modern culture, and that often prevents us from recognizing nonsense written by a great author, but also to recognize the genius in the lines of a stranger ... I mean, too often we consider a written more for its author, not for himself (this then leads us sometimes to analysis of all misleading, as we begin reading a head trying to force what we expect that some author had written in that regard, sometimes ignoring what really
written ... I could be (as they are) an illustrious Mr. None, or Merlin reborn ... I pray my writings, however, to judge them for what they are and not for those who had the good fortune to write them.