Thursday, August 28, 2008

Constituents Of Citalopram


As promised here are the pictures of the mountain. They were days of relaxation, in fact we have passed the first three home closed for bad weather, we also turned on the stufina and slept with duvets. We pamper our little girls, talked, played and I have done some culinary experiment, but not having the right equipment was not the result of your pictures, though tasty.

However, these are photos of sunny days in Sauze d'Oulx.

Instead these are pictures of the day in Briancon, charming mountain village in France, which is very close to the border. The main street of this small town is crossed by a stream of water that makes it very distinctive. Too bad the fortress that is not visited, and the side streets are a little shabby. However, the multi-colored buildings, many shops in the downtown that sell local products (cheese, salami, Marseille soaps, dials) and the beautiful views, make the visit very pleasant.

After revived memories of the holidays are ready to return to work.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Are Car Neon Lights Illegal In Florida


I know it's almost a month since I write a post, but rental were devoted entirely to the family and I could not even do the things I had planned (eg visit to the film museum at the Mole Antonelliana, stop at one of Turin's ice cream Grommo etc. ..). The return home was pretty hard because my husband and we started to bleach casa ed ho finito solo ieri di disfare le valige (sono rientrata il 13!!!!).

Comunque ecco qualche foto della visita alla Reggia di Venaria, che è stata residenza dei Savoia. La zona aperta al pubblico è solo una piccola parte, ma ci vogliono circa 4 ore per visitarla. Circa un'ora è necessaria a girare i giardini, anchessi in via di ristrutturazione. La giornata non era bellissima, infatti il cielo era piuttosto pallido. All'interno non ho potuto scattare foto, vi posso dire che la mostra dà notizie sulla famiglia Savoia, la loro discendenza, sulla Reggia da loro abitata e sulla città di Torino. Purtroppo ci sono supellettile furniture and very few originals.

In the next post will publish photos of living in the mountains.