Thursday, September 4, 2008

Rubber Girdled With Tight Sjirts


11 \\ 04 \\ 2008
"Magris & Cuban dictators"
David Giacalone

It took me some time to try to digest that Claudio Magris, the Corriere della Sera, written by and on Cuba did not succeed. But reading, some writing? Listening, what they talk about? Yes, it is true, says Magris, Cuba is not a democracy. But you want to put the past? And this opens the dam of trivia, nonsense, historical and moral. It 's true, Fidel Castro is not really a gloved servant of freedom, but in Cuba there are no schools, no children are illiterate. Even in Hitler's Germany were schools and there was no illiteracy. It would be nothing were it not that the schools were good and popular in Cuba before Castro came before the revolution. The major campaign against illiteracy was conducted before the bearded man in uniform would impose his law despotic. With further including: Batista in Cuba were literary magazines, was the survival of different ideas. Yes, right in Batista's Cuba. Magris might know, if you only read a giant of Cuban literature: Reinaldo Arenas. With no Castro, with Castro may be able to read, but you can not read. There are hospitals, mumbles our letters without heart, without eyes and without reading. Certo, la sanità cubana era un esempio, per l’America Latina, già prima di Castro, e non è un caso che fra i fuggiti vi siano stati molti medici, che poi hanno fatto fortuna altrove. Ma, se approfondisse gli studi, Magris potrebbe sapere che a Cuba ci sono anche i dottor Mengele, capaci di esperimenti genetici sui detenuti nei campi di concentramento. Incredibile? No, documentato. Provi a prendere in mano quel che ha scritto Armando Valladares (ora anche in italiano, grazie a Spirali: “Contro ogni speranza”). Lo tenga sul comodino, e vediamo se riesce a dormire. Chissà che non gli apra gli occhi cisposi il sapere delle persecuzioni, delle torture, della fame, delle botte, della violenza contro donne e bambini. The Fascist prisons were a haven of civility and tolerance, in comparison. Our men, the heroic anti-fascist fighters could write, or if held in confinement. Have you ever heard of the "Prison Notebooks"? In Cuba you can not, Cuba is forbidden even have pen and paper. Some ways, he knows Magris, though hard to understand, were written with blood. He asked, at least learn one thing: in Cuba you can die of frost. Will be surprised, perhaps, to learn that one of the architects of this tropical gulag is his beloved Castro. Either version of the one in which Fidel Raúl. Ah, but Batista were the mafia! And here must have thought of Magris beat himself, as a ficcanza conclusiveness of arguments and the same. Yes, there were also prostitutes, although they were mostly French (unbelievable, right?). Raúl has now reopened the hotel rooms are sold to young people, who were also selling with Fidel. But back to the Mafia. Very bad people, no doubt about it. But I am Sicilian, I would rather ten thousand times Capone to Stalin, Riina Franco, Luciano Castro. The criminals can be pursued against the criminals can take advantage of the law, and when the law bends to the criminals you can always appeal to those who suffer from the external effects of crime. But when the crime is to get the State there is only one thing to do: abbatterlo. Fidel Castro è un mito. Lui, criminale, assassino fattosi dittatore, è riuscito a calcare la scena mondiale facendo innamorare di sé tutti i fessi del mondo, fatta eccezione per i cubani. Naturalmente. Creperà nel suo letto, come non merita. Ma a salvare Raúl ed i suoi complici, a proteggere chi ha affamato Cuba di cibo, cultura e libertà, non saranno sufficienti quattro letterati senza letture, quattro ospiti non paganti del National, quattro venduti che parlano di festival della letteratura in un Paese dove i letterati sono chiusi in carcere o costretti all’esilio. Non esiste letteratura dove non esiste libertà. E dato che pagine stupende sono state scritte da uomini prigionieri, ciò deve understood in the sense that there is literature if not at the hands of men who are inwardly free. Thus preventing any Western, spoiled and ignorant to call "gentlemen" Cubans who have paid with their lives and the meat does not have deserted the culture.
( original webpage )


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