Sunday, December 14, 2008

Spiker Hair Gel Toronto


Here I am, I left the company, but with the ills of the seasons and the holidays the time has flown by and I could not post anything, but I did a little of photos and now I'll try to catch up . It was already some time I wanted to play groped the pretzel I ate years ago. A first attempt went wrong, but the second is a complete success.

Swivels salted

gluten free pastry (DS )
anchovy paste tomato

olive pate
Hungarian salami (Which is less fat) cream gorgonzola

gluten free flour ( Schar )

Flour the work surface, put the pastry and with the help of a rolling pin roll it up to make high about half a centimeter.
With a brush or your fingers, roll out pastry on a strip of anchovy paste, a tomato and one olive pate. Roll the pastry and cut into slices about 1 cm.
Repeat with the second dough ball and fill with remaining ingredients.
The swivels so obtained will be baked on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper, at 180 degrees for 10 minutes or or until the pastry will be golden. Of course you can decide to use any other filling, the possibilities are endless, even in the sweet version.

Baked Pasta

The baked pasta instead is not a first attempt, but I do not do so often. But when I find time at home is a feast.

Serves 6

2 packages of lasagna ( Schar )
600 g. Grandma's sauce of Teresa
extra virgin olive oil to taste
butter grated Parmesan to taste

For the sauce without gluten

1 liter of milk
50 g. cornstarch
50 g. gluten free flour ( Schar )
80 g.

butter salt nutmeg


Prepare the sauce Heat the milk in a saucepan, over low heat, melt the butter in another pan, remove from heat and mix the flour and cornstarch turning vigorously. Return the saucepan to the heat and gradually pour the milk, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon. Boil the mixture, stirring constantly, until the sauce has not begun to solidify. The moment it falls from the spoon the sauce "writing" is ready. Should therefore not be nor too runny, nor too solid. Season with salt and scratch a little nutmeg. Before you mix it cold with meat sauce mixture.

Boil water in a large pot, add salt and pour in a wireless oil lasagna throw a single package. Cook the pasta for 5 minutes, trying to turn to keep the sheets separate (I use tongs). Drain the sheets one at a time and put on a dry clean. Repeat 0 cooperation with the other package of dough. If the lasagna had stuck together, si staccheranno solo se ancora calde e impregnate d'acqua. Per questo è necessario scolarle una alla volta. Nel caso in cui si rompano, niente paura, basterà ricomporre "il puzzle" .

Prendere una pirofila o una teglia a bordi alti, versarvi sul fondo 2 cucchiaiate di sugo, ricoprire con uno strato di lasagne, poi ancora sugo, questa volta in abbondanza, poi altre lasagne e ancora sugo. Alternare gli strati concludendo con il sugo, versarvi sopra abbondante parmigiano grattugiato e qualche fiocco di burro. Porre il tutto in forno a 200° per circa 35 minuti. Sopra la pasta si dovrà formare una crosta scura .

Biscotti allo Zenzero
Sono i classici biscottini Christmas, but it is the first year that they do. I wanted so much to do .... pandoro if only I had found the mold. It will be for next year, then she ordered over the Internet.

Ingredients 350 g. gluten free flour (DS)
1 teaspoon baking (Colombo)
125 g.
100 grams of butter
sugar 20 ml milk 1 teaspoon ginger
candied cherries 1 egg (as per handbook)
colored sprinkles (as per handbook)


Fate soften butter, mix with the sugar using electric beaters until the mixture is swollen. Add milk, beaten egg and then the flour, baking powder and fenzero. You will get a packet of pasta that will be wrapped in plastic wrap and place in refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Flour the work surface, and resume the dough with a rolling pin roll it out in a layer of about half a centimeter. With the help of cutters cut out cookies and place it on a baking sheet with parchment paper wet and squeezed. Decorate cookies as desired. Bake at 180 degrees for 10 minutes, or until the biscuits are golden brown. Remove from the oven and allow to cool before transferring to a tray.



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