Monday, March 15, 2010

New Cb President Lincoln


"The myth of the conservative counter to the multi-ethnic state"
John Papperini

March 12, 2010. An old "urban legend" lives on in the world of the Internet and modern means of communication: the supposed correspondence between political conservatism and dislike of immigrants. It 's a real "false history", and it's time to unmask him.
Superficially it was considered that since the "modernists" on the left are by definition open to foreigners, "the Conservatives should, instead, be totally adverse all’immigrazione in quanto tale.
Tale considerazione è priva di ogni fondamento etimologico, culturale, storico e politico.
Come ho scritto in un precedente articolo su questo webmagazine la parola immigrazione deriva da una radice indoeuropea *mei, ampliata in *meiG. Tale radice è alla base di parole quali “munifico” e altre con il significato di “dono” inteso come “scambio” (greco antico a-meibo*) di beni materiali, conoscenze e di aiuto reciproco (Per un approfondimento vedi il volume “Culture del dono“).
Oggi la mobilità international persons is an essential component of what we call "trade in goods and services" and "technology transfer", the basis of world trade. E 'was calculated that a full implementation of trade liberalization envisaged by the WTO Doha Round would increase world GDP by more than 5%. Other crises that!
The "True Conservative", called it the "master" Joseph Prezzolini in his "Manifesto of the Conservatives," published in 1972, where they show a particular fondness for the etymology, which does not consider as a Prezzolini mere aid to the understanding of our current language, but who gives a very powerful symbolic value, devoting many pages to the 'analysis of the Indo-European root * Swer, wer *, * er, "giving rise to the word" conservative. " Conservative is someone who "wants to preserve something," but this concept is not instrumentally to be confused with "one who desires to retain positions of income with xenophobic and protectionist measures."
fact, "keep" means "take note of the current situation realistically and improve it with small, constant action." Of course, does not mean jumping into the void of the future, but not be irrationally "Old-reactionaries" against a reality that, meanwhile, has changed profoundly. In his writings Prezzolini was clearly contrary to the indiscriminate and massive arrival of foreigners in Italy, but at the same time, appreciated and regarded as inevitable democracy that informed all political and institutional levels in the U.S., which he considers essential to allow the coexistence in the same country a melting pot of religious and ethnic minorities.
Now, for various reasons, can not be attributed entirely to lack of political acumen some left, Italy has become, in fact, a nation, "ethnic" con la presenza sul territorio di oltre cinque milioni di stranieri tra comunitari ed extracomunitari. Inoltre, per raggiungere gli obiettivi di crescita economica e sociale che l’Unione Europea si è data per il 2020 sarà inevitabile favorire il sempre maggiore afflusso in Italia di personale qualificato proveniente da altri stati dell’Unione, in posizione di “distacco” o di vero e proprio “trasferimento”. Ed è per queste ragioni che la dimensione democratica nelle scelte pubbliche, così come era stata delineata da Prezzolini, diviene ancora più urgente.
articolo tratto dal sito
(pagina web originale: vedi qui )

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

How To Build Fireplace Surround

Panna cotta con coulis di frutti di bosco

My first memory of cooking is the panna cotta.
Or better, who knows what inside bags with fresh cream to be paid on or kitchen (but joking?).
Then you had to mix, 10-15 minutes, with the result that much you could turn that strange concoction always stuck to the pot.
Not to mention the mold ....! In fact, let's talk! Do not know about you but I have never managed to bend the piece of cardboard so you have a nice rectangle.
At the end I was always the glue and scotch ...

Two years ago I discovered how easy it was (and cheap!) Prepare the panna cotta on their own, without relying on commercial products.
Just buy the cream, then so much sugar and gelatin have it all at home, right?

For the panna cotta:
500 ml fresh cream (or alternatively 5th% cream and 50% fresh whole milk)
65 gr
sugar 1 vanilla pod
4 grams of gelatine, soak in cold water without

For the berry coulis:
300 grams of frozen berries, and loose ( water bath or the good old microwave)
sugar to taste (I'm gone to taste, in the end I think I've put about 50 grams, enough to taste the way)
lemon juice (the bottom of a glass)

the vanilla pod lengthwise and put in a saucepan with the cream.
When the mixture is almost at a boil, add sugar and bring to a boil.
Switch off, remove the vanilla bean and incorporate the gelatin, whisk to incorporate well.
Pour into molds previously wet.
Let cool and put in the refrigerator, making sure to wait at least 3 hours before unmold. Mash the fruit
di bosco sciolti con lo zucchero.
Passare al setaccio per eliminare i semini e aggiungere il succo di limone.

Et voilà, la panna cotta è servita!