Friday, February 15, 2008

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Living water

Water may be alive or dead.

vivid and the water from a spring that gushes fresh and uncontaminated. Vivid the raindrop.

Viva is the water of the stream, river and lake.

alive and, indeed, the sea water is very much alive.

And what the dead water? And 'the water diverted from its natural path through violence, the water is trapped.

dead or dying, our water supply is water that flows from our taps, and dead and rotting water is trapped in the bottle that we pompously call "mineral". So much so that to have it pleasure, many resort to the "sparkle" (actually, "added carbonic acid), but the role of the bubbles is no different in this case, that our ancestors did use pepper and other strong spices on the meat, in order to disguise the taste rotten.

be seen that the tap water Life is not the same: death by water is an ongoing process, so it can happen that in a stretch of aqueduct water is still alive, to die along the progressively with successive sections.

So a rural area where the stranger tasted the water of the aqueduct, who praises the "good taste" and fresh, served a comparison of water from the aqueduct in the city nearby. Yet the water is exactly the same as the branch of the aqueduct is exactly the same, and the analysis tell us that the physical, chemical and organoleptic characteristics are exactly the same ... And then, what makes water different and better in that country? The difference is that this country is just one km away from the start of the aqueduct, and water is then still alive, dying gradually in the next fifteen kilometers.

A good exercise for the young druid will be to sample the water at every opportunity that presents itself, and me ask: "How long alive this water? "

At first, outside the simple, categorical examples we have given, he will not be easy to distinguish the state of water, and even more difficult they will be able to distinguish the degree of life itself, but the mere daily ask the simple question "How long deep water I'm drinking? " will be useful to build a different mindset, and best suited to the young druid.

The'll then one day to sample the water and naturally exclaim: "What good ! .
O taste of the other and, equally naturally, take them away in disgust.
That day will come to recognize the life of the water.


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