Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Paregoric Get You High

Treating a wood

A next step is to begin to take care of an area of \u200b\u200bwoodland.

Such care can also consist only cleared of all rubbish from the surrender rude.

when he had occasion (and with proper permissions!), You can then treating the trails, or you start burning.

What! - Make you say you-wood! Cutting down trees!

Well, do you know that the wood in a forest (so wise, in the manner and extent due) is beneficial and not harmful to the forest.

Clean excessive undergrowth - which smothers the trees and provides food and shelter for pests, cut the dead branches, prune branches from the trees "right" (too low, too unbalanced), and - finally - kill the trees sick or suffering, or prune the young trees, so as to enable full growth to some ...

All operations, as well as tiring, too difficult, and therefore we need to learn to do under the guidance of an expert. But, in all occaasioni possibili, dovremo poi svolgere in solitudine.

Perché il lavoro e la fatica solitari nel bosco liiberano i pensieri, fanno volare la mente sciogliendola dalle pastoie del quotidiano; l'ansia se ne va col sudore, la concentrazione su un lavoro manuale lascia libera una sorta di "visione periferica" della mente, che ci permette di percepire ed apprezzare fenomeni destinati altrimenti a restarci celati.

E che il lavoro manuale nel bosco ci avvicini al suo spirito e ci faccia diventare parte del bosco stesso, lo osserveremo in un curioso fenomeno che ci coinvolgerà: quando lavoreremo in solitudine nel bosco, con serenità e senza eccessivo rumore (quindi, no chain saw), forest animals quickly resumed their activities with ease, even a few steps away: the first will be the birds, which quickly resumed their songs and then, in search of insects flushed out by our work , will approach even more.

But even so the squirrel will soon see, without fear, and even then the deer will pass without fear within walking distance from us.


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