Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Introduce Myself Via Email

EVVIVA LE CASTAGNE !!!!! Marrons Glacés e Castagnaccio

Quest'anno siamo riusciti a mangiarci 20 kg . di marroni in 15 giorni. Come al solito li abbiamo consumati bolliti, crogiati of the fireplace, and for the first time I tried to make Marrons Glacés . The preparation is a little lunghini , but it is simple and the result is worth. Too bad that you can save up to Christmas would be perfect as gifts.


700 g. brown and very large
500 g. 50 g. sugar

procedure to remove the first brown peel, boil in a saucepan for 3-4 minutes or until you can not remove the second skin. Drain a little peel them all at once. Put the sugar and water in a large skillet, melt it over medium heat and add, with delicacy, chestnuts. Boil for 3 minutes, turning them calmly. Allow to stand for the brown one day, then replace the pan to the fire and boil for three minutes. Spread the chestnuts in a pan and allow to dry for another day. Surely not all of the chestnuts will remain intact, but the pieces are equally delicious! Arrange the marron glacé in cups e gustarli in compagnia. Si conservano per circa una settimana.

Non contenti d'aver comprato venti kg . di castagne, in questo ultimo mese abbiamo più volte mangiato il castagnaccio. Da buoni toscani amiamo questo "dolce" e tutti gli anni, nei primi mesi autunnali, lo sforniamo ripetutamente.
250 g. di farina di castagne (consultare il prontuari dei prodotti senza glutine)
circa 3 bicchieri d'acqua
pinoli a volontà
some walnuts
2 Rummy
rosemary extra virgin olive oil to taste
In a bowl add the flour, add little water at a time, stirring and taking care to dissolve all lumps. The mixture should be fluid, but not too liquid. Add a little olive oil and pine nuts to taste. Oil a baking dish, pour the mixture, to be almost an inch high (We prefer it drier and more full of dried fruit). Cover the surface with other pine nuts with walnuts into pieces and rosemary. Oil again and bake at 180 g. for 20 minutes. The chestnut, well done, will have some cracks on the surface .

One last thing before I leave, I wanted to let you know that on Friday they released B log cooking an interview with me, Laura Thank you again for this opportunity and invite you to read it to know more about me and celiac disease, because remember:

"ONLY 1 out of 10 people



Kisses to all.


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