Thursday, October 30, 2008

When Do Student Loans Come Through

The dream

When meditation is completed (or unintentionally, hopefully voluntarily) in his sleep, there is another aspect to consider: the dream.
The dream can be a pick that allows us to access higher levels, can enable us to forge ahead and quickly reach unexpected levels ... as well as can deceive, delude and lead to false paths.
It 'important to maintain consciousness and dream recall, so you can be the subject of meditation after waking.
dream recall is relatively simple, following this simple technique: when you glide into sleep, we must maintain a minimum level of awareness to "see" in the act of falling asleep, and in this awareness, preserve and express a strong desire to remember what you are going to dream, thinking or whispering a formula like "I'm going to sleep, and I remember waking up full of my dreams. " On waking
then (which should be natural and not induced, for example, by the alarm clock), just a few moments to review the dream of slumber, whose memory at this point there will be fixed in the mind even after waking.


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