Thursday, June 5, 2008

Watch Online Digitalplayground

Mi è presa voglia di torte salate, ma questa volta ho voluto provare la sfoglia senza glutine della DS. Devo dire niente male, sicuramente la riutilizzerò. L'unico inconveniente e che è venduta in panetti rettangolati e quindi must be spread thinly with a rolling pin, adding flour.
The recipe I followed is actually a mix of different preparations.


a box of puff pastry (gf)
500 g.
of spinach 1 onion 1 clove garlic

100 g. bacon
40 g.
butter 200 ml cream 2 eggs

100 g. grated Parmesan cheese salt


Drain and squeeze the spinach and chop coarsely.
Chop the bacon, onion and garlic. Take the onion and garlic in 30 g. of butter, add the chopped spinach and bacon and fry over medium heat for 5 minutes and season with salt. Let the mixture cool and stir in eggs and Parmesan cheese, pine nuts, and finally the cream.
Roll out the pastry and line a baking pan dusted with flour and inburrata (gf). Pour the mixture again and cover with pastry, closing the edges.
Bake the cake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for about 30 minutes.


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