Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Antique Lacrosse Jerseys

Benvenuto Lorenzo

The holidays are started beautifully, at 11.00 we arrived in Turin at 13:00 and Lorenzo gave us his welcome. The stay in the city was scheduled to just thinking his arrival, but I was hoping for perfect timing. The small Pupetto (so to say, weighs 3,840 grams and is 52 cm long.) Is a very soft cotton with a striking basket of brown hair. My brother says that for now looks like for the last name (he is blond with blue eyes), it seems to me a very sweet black chick.
You be the judge !!!!!!!!!!


Saturday, July 26, 2008

Ring In The Shape Of A Womans Body


For my birthday I received three wonderful gifts, all from the super mom Manu

Thank you for
giving me the award "I've saved the waist," too cute.
's the deal: the prize "You saved my waist size is given to those who, through intuition, a tip, a grandmother appeared in a dream, a crazy relationship with a nutritionist, or simply blow ass, stood to publish a recipe that, while assuring the Goduria of eating, do not go to our former affects the small screw on the wasp.

Thanks for the "Oscar"
Award winners will attend a brief Regulation:
expose the award-Linking the web space you have in your turn Awarding-winning five other virtual spaces giving the reasons .

Finally Arte y Pico Award:
1) Choose 5 blogs that are deserving of this award for creativity, design, and the particular material used, and that contributes to the blogger community regardless of lingua2) Each award assigned must have the name of the author and also connecting to the blog3) Each award has to show the award and put the name and the connection of the person who premiato4) The award-winning show is the link to the blog of ArteyPico 5 ) Publish the rules
Thank you again my turn to Manu and gift prizes these 3 to 5 blogs that I visit are always so happy, but also to all friends virtual pass by here and have the patience to collect it! Thank you all!
My daughter has a blog that young, everything's set up to talk about his great love horses and riding.
t wustella and stelladisale , which have a beautiful blog of recipes, but not limited to, full of stories and photographs, p arolediburro which publishes recipes interesting, tasty and full of advice, calmeetcacao , who has a blog describe as "poetic."

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Vanguard Sailing Center

33, gli anni di Cristo

Yes, today is my birthday. I am 33 years old. For the occasion, I prepared a beautiful cake (if I did not makes me who I do?), But will post soon. Meanwhile, I wish you and me accepting the invitation of an old Anna , place a meme on the personality of the month of birth. For those wishing to participate is all the explanations here . Of course I am a Cancerian.

person with whom you feel comfortable, fun.

I hope so.


I open it with a few people.

Difficult to decipher and understand.

No, I think I'm clear in everyday life, simple.

quiet unless excited or tense.

tend very calm and quiet

Proud of himself.

Generally yes, but also self-criticism.

He reputation.

I think good!

Easily consolable .

Yes, by whom I love and know!


Yes, thanks to the example of my family and especially my father.

are concerned about how others are .

Yes in private and at work.

Fair , delicate.

is indeed difficult to ask and investigate the lives of others.


I always try the other positive sides and meeting places.

Accessible .

We are for everyone.

Unpredictable with emotional temperament.

In some circumstances I like to impress. Emotional, but intimately.

moody and easily preferable.

Lunatica? Not really, if anything, metereopatica. Preferable? Not all.

witty and brilliant. Surely

optimistic and positive.

not vindictive.

No, I prefer, with whom I have wronged break relations net.

Forgive but not forget.

I can also be very understanding, but it's true that I do not forget.

does not like the silly and unnecessary things .

I love the simple things

It 's a guide for others both mentally and physically.

I like feeling indispensable.

sensitive and careful in formulating their impressions .

I try to tell the truth without hurting.

Loving, you care for others . Yes

Both in life and in work.

Treat others fairly.

How I would like to be treated.

strong sense of compassion, solidarity .

would define more empathy, I try to always put words in others' shoes to understand how they feel. I do it mostly with children

Prudente and acute .

On some occasions. In other intuitive and impulsive.

judge people by the observation .

By the time I learned to judge people know. Although I always have a first impression of "skin".

Great worker .

Ho la brutta abitudine di accollarmi anche il lavoro degli altri.

Non ha difficoltà nello studio .

Mi sono sempre impegnata per soddisfazione personale. Inoltre, ho scelto una facoltà fatta a posta per me.

Ama stare da sola .

Sto bene anche con me stessa.

Rimugina sempre sul passato e sui vecchi amici .

Non mi definirei una nostalgica, ma ricordo con piacere le cose belle del passato.

Le piace stare tranquilla .


E' una persona accogliente .


Non cerca gli amici but wait for them to seek her .

If spending too much time, I call them.

Not aggressive unless provoked .

Sante words.

prone to having stomach problems and diet .

More than anything else in the intestine, but when I'm gluten-free diet, much, much less

Loves to be loved.

Yes, and fortunately I feel loved by my husband and my daughters and all my loved ones.

It 's easy to hurt her, and plus it takes too long to recover.

depends on who hurt me.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

How Long Does Wachovia Take To Clear A Check

Muffin e plum-cake ai frutti di bosco

With queasta recipe I participate in the summer brunch Cuocapercaso invitation and thank you.

The recipe in question is an idea of \u200b\u200b Dolcetto, I've just adapted to the gluten-free and summer, using fresh fruit and I have not frosted.

Ingredients 1 cup of yogurt with strawberries or berries
2 ½ cups sugar 3 cups heavy
gluten free flour (Shar)
2 eggs ½ cup vegetable oil
50 g butter, melted 1 tablespoon baking
a mix of fruit cut into small pieces (It should be fine even if only strawberries)
few spoonfuls of jam, strawberry or more berries
Working with whips in hand yogurt with sugar, add eggs, oil and melted butter. Gradually stir the flour sifted with baking powder and mix well. Mix well and fill the muffin tins with a tablespoon of dough. To focus a scant teaspoon of jam and fruit to taste and cover with another tablespoon of dough. Bake in preheated oven at 180 degrees for twenty minutes (until golden brown edges of the muffins). Cool and unmold.

I have put forward the dough into a mold for plum-cake and added mixed berries.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

What Do You Think Of My Speech


After a long search I could not find sesame seeds. My daughter Matilda is a lover of crispy, and so looked for a recipe on the Internet (do not know exactly where) and asked me to do it at home. It's that simple.

· 100 gr. honey, preferably acacia
50 grams.
· 200 grams of sugar. Sesame

Preparation In a pan with thick bottom steel Melt honey and sugar on low heat. Toast the sesame few minutes in a pan, being careful not to burn it and then add it to the sugar syrup and honey. Cook the mixture for about 20 minutes, stirring often. Expand on the work surface a sheet of parchment paper, grease it lightly with vegetable oil and remove the excess with kitchen paper, then pour about half of the crisp paper, cover it with the other half and flatten evenly with a meat mallet to a thickness about half a centimeter. While the mixture is still warm cut into the surface with diamonds or rectangles, then cools just break with your hands along the incisions. Cool completely before tasting.

I think the sesame seeds can be replaced with any dried fruit. Sbizzarritevi and good nibble on.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Pokemon Silver Gameshark Experience

Muffin alle zucchine e mandorle.

My neighbor continues to bring crates of zucchini. Made them sautéed, making us an omelet, using them for a sauce for pasta, along with shrimp, I decided to try the sweet version. Also, I had to inaugurate the silicone mold for recently bought muffins. The result:

I have to say anything bad, zucchini behave a bit 'like carrots, but the flavor is more delicate. Surely the most striking feature of this recipe the flavor of almonds and cinnamon. However, it is to try.

Ingredients 180 g. gluten free flour (Bi- Aglut )
½ teaspoon baking powder * ½ teaspoon cinnamon

powder 200 g. 30 g. sugar
butter 8 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
180 g. zucchini

* A teaspoon of vanilla extract 50 g. 30 g shelled almonds

* To purchase this product, consult the handbook of gluten-free foods

Soak raisins in warm water. Wash the zucchini and blend, senza ridurle in pappa. Frullate le mandorle riducendola in polvere. In una ciotola setacciate la farina, con il lievito, un pizzico di sale e la cannella. In una terrina, sbattere lo zucchero con le uova, unitevi l’olio a filo, le zucchine, la vanillina, le mandorle e l’uva sgocciolata e strizzata. Incorporatevi , la farina setacciata e amalgamate delicatamente, senza sbattere troppo il composto.
Versate negli stampini imburrati, passateli nel forno già caldo a 180°C e fate cuocere per 25 minuti circa. Togliete gli stampini dal forno. Sformate i muffins e lasciateli raffreddare prima di servirli.

Visto che prevedo l'arrivo di altri chili zucchini, I ask them to eat recommendations.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Strawberry Bikini Vancouver

Meme: primo premio per me.

thank Manu, the super mum, invitation-flyer, even though this is an initiative launched by Gianluca who decided to give more visibility to sites and blogs de cuisine . Anyone can join, so invite all of you readers to take the opportunity to fly and promote himself.

You are then free to take the banner from the site of Gianluca and post in your site / blog then you will need:-
make a post where he talks about this project and you have to insert a direct link to the creation of the prize;
blog-name at least four to be awarded and warnings;

It 's very easy, because you behave like a meme, with the difference that here you have a big advantage: You will receive many visits to your blog and will give more importance, as will be seen by many.

I name 5 blogs de cuisine of celiac like me, to show that gluten-free does not mean no taste, but rather, it means imagination, experimentation and care in the kitchen. So premium Anna , Gnus , Live , Jelly and Marilena , but in any case:


Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Red White Cable To Headphone Jack

Zucchine ripiene e baby cocomero

Sunday is always a Sunday and I took a little longer to cook, then that sin has no termpo posting. I made the stuffed zucchini, as the welcome gift of the neighbor who has a garden full of delights. We, too, I have (we think my father) looks like a plantation as it is extended, but I do not know peche has not yet gone into production.

However, these are the zucchini.


  1. 8 round zucchini or long
  2. 500 g. minced meat
  3. onion 2 eggs
  4. 100 g. I parmesan
  5. 10 skinless almonds
  6. 4 tablespoons gluten-free bread crumbs (Schar)
  7. 5 cherry tomatoes
  8. extra virgin olive oil salt

Procedure Halve the zucchini and uncover those long round, all'iterno Digging with the tool or with a spoon put the pulp into a bowl. Far cook the zucchini for 2 minutes in salted water, drain and place them upside down on absorbent paper. Chop the onion and cook it in olive oil over low heat, add 2 / 3 of the pulp of the zucchini and cook for 5 minutes. Add the minced meat, salt and cook for 10 minutes. Remove the stuffing from the heat and let cool, then add the ground almonds, Parmesan, bread crumbs and eggs. Fill the zucchini put them in a greased pan, decorate with chopped tomatoes into quarters, season with salt and olive oil and bake at 200 g. for 15 minutes.

Also, Saturday I bought a baby watermelon, which I had never seen in my part. She seemed very nice and perfect for family photos and to serve a fruit salad. Unfortunately, within

was little mature, so I used the flesh of another watermelon and I mixed with other fresh fruit and I seasoned the whole with lemon and sugar.

After digging the inside of the baby watermelon, I carved the edges of two halves, filled it with fruit salad and put it in a cool place. I find this the perfect presentation for a dinner with friends, to use as a single serving, perhaps together with a good ice cream.