Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Pokemon Silver Gameshark Experience

Muffin alle zucchine e mandorle.

My neighbor continues to bring crates of zucchini. Made them sautéed, making us an omelet, using them for a sauce for pasta, along with shrimp, I decided to try the sweet version. Also, I had to inaugurate the silicone mold for recently bought muffins. The result:

I have to say anything bad, zucchini behave a bit 'like carrots, but the flavor is more delicate. Surely the most striking feature of this recipe the flavor of almonds and cinnamon. However, it is to try.

Ingredients 180 g. gluten free flour (Bi- Aglut )
½ teaspoon baking powder * ½ teaspoon cinnamon

powder 200 g. 30 g. sugar
butter 8 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
180 g. zucchini

* A teaspoon of vanilla extract 50 g. 30 g shelled almonds

* To purchase this product, consult the handbook of gluten-free foods

Soak raisins in warm water. Wash the zucchini and blend, senza ridurle in pappa. Frullate le mandorle riducendola in polvere. In una ciotola setacciate la farina, con il lievito, un pizzico di sale e la cannella. In una terrina, sbattere lo zucchero con le uova, unitevi l’olio a filo, le zucchine, la vanillina, le mandorle e l’uva sgocciolata e strizzata. Incorporatevi , la farina setacciata e amalgamate delicatamente, senza sbattere troppo il composto.
Versate negli stampini imburrati, passateli nel forno già caldo a 180°C e fate cuocere per 25 minuti circa. Togliete gli stampini dal forno. Sformate i muffins e lasciateli raffreddare prima di servirli.

Visto che prevedo l'arrivo di altri chili zucchini, I ask them to eat recommendations.


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