Sunday, July 20, 2008

Vanguard Sailing Center

33, gli anni di Cristo

Yes, today is my birthday. I am 33 years old. For the occasion, I prepared a beautiful cake (if I did not makes me who I do?), But will post soon. Meanwhile, I wish you and me accepting the invitation of an old Anna , place a meme on the personality of the month of birth. For those wishing to participate is all the explanations here . Of course I am a Cancerian.

person with whom you feel comfortable, fun.

I hope so.


I open it with a few people.

Difficult to decipher and understand.

No, I think I'm clear in everyday life, simple.

quiet unless excited or tense.

tend very calm and quiet

Proud of himself.

Generally yes, but also self-criticism.

He reputation.

I think good!

Easily consolable .

Yes, by whom I love and know!


Yes, thanks to the example of my family and especially my father.

are concerned about how others are .

Yes in private and at work.

Fair , delicate.

is indeed difficult to ask and investigate the lives of others.


I always try the other positive sides and meeting places.

Accessible .

We are for everyone.

Unpredictable with emotional temperament.

In some circumstances I like to impress. Emotional, but intimately.

moody and easily preferable.

Lunatica? Not really, if anything, metereopatica. Preferable? Not all.

witty and brilliant. Surely

optimistic and positive.

not vindictive.

No, I prefer, with whom I have wronged break relations net.

Forgive but not forget.

I can also be very understanding, but it's true that I do not forget.

does not like the silly and unnecessary things .

I love the simple things

It 's a guide for others both mentally and physically.

I like feeling indispensable.

sensitive and careful in formulating their impressions .

I try to tell the truth without hurting.

Loving, you care for others . Yes

Both in life and in work.

Treat others fairly.

How I would like to be treated.

strong sense of compassion, solidarity .

would define more empathy, I try to always put words in others' shoes to understand how they feel. I do it mostly with children

Prudente and acute .

On some occasions. In other intuitive and impulsive.

judge people by the observation .

By the time I learned to judge people know. Although I always have a first impression of "skin".

Great worker .

Ho la brutta abitudine di accollarmi anche il lavoro degli altri.

Non ha difficoltà nello studio .

Mi sono sempre impegnata per soddisfazione personale. Inoltre, ho scelto una facoltà fatta a posta per me.

Ama stare da sola .

Sto bene anche con me stessa.

Rimugina sempre sul passato e sui vecchi amici .

Non mi definirei una nostalgica, ma ricordo con piacere le cose belle del passato.

Le piace stare tranquilla .


E' una persona accogliente .


Non cerca gli amici but wait for them to seek her .

If spending too much time, I call them.

Not aggressive unless provoked .

Sante words.

prone to having stomach problems and diet .

More than anything else in the intestine, but when I'm gluten-free diet, much, much less

Loves to be loved.

Yes, and fortunately I feel loved by my husband and my daughters and all my loved ones.

It 's easy to hurt her, and plus it takes too long to recover.

depends on who hurt me.


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