Friday, February 6, 2009

How Long Do You Bake Thin Steak Meat


On Eluana case, the government could enact a law aimed at preventing the execution of the Judgement of the Court of Appeal of Milan, in turn judged correct by the Supreme Court. The measure, according to the Ansa news agency says, there is only one article entitled "Urgent provisions on nutrition and hydration." This is the text: 'Pending approval of a complete and comprehensive legislative framework on end of life nutrition and hydration as forms of life support and physiologically designed to relieve suffering, not in any case be rejected by stakeholders or suspended from who assists people who are unable to fend for themselves. "
(February 5, 2009)
Source: Corriere della Sera

Rome, February 6
- President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano expressed in a letter addressed to the President Minister Silvio Berlusconi, which was read by the Council of Ministers, a new denial adoption of a decree law on the case of Eluana. Simultaneously, what is learned from government sources, the head of state would have called for a quick verdict of Parliament on living wills.

Source: Ansa

I say this not mince words.
I do not care if its political history is radically different from mine.

I do not even care what were his views in the past.

Everyone can change his mind.

judge him solely for what he says and how it behaves now.

And based on what I see from his office when he has been I can safely say that Napolitano is proud to be my President.

Yes, this is my President!

A praise also goes to the President of the Chamber Gianfranco Fini, the only one who is seriously trying to counter the illiberal drift taken by this government.

(AGI) - Rome, February 5 - The hypothesis of a decree to intervene in the matter of Eluana does not agree with the House speaker Gianfranco Fini. Was reported sono fonti parlamentari della maggioranza che hanno avuto modo in questi ultimi giorni di parlare del caso con il presidente Fini che avrebbe detto che un decreto ''sarebbe un grave errore'' e che il governo dovrebbe riflettere bene prima di ricorrere a questo strumento.

Post correlati:
-"Il caso di Eluana. Riflessioni sull'eutanasia"


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