Saturday, February 7, 2009

What's Needed For A Letter Of Community Service

Today is Saturday, and I decided over the weekend on my blog is not about politics.
In accordance with the spirit that characterizes the relaxed and collegiate weekend now lighten the tone of my blog by putting in place some personal issues, just like in any daily talk show schlock worthy of respect.
Indeed, just to put myself one hundred percent air trash out the facts situation required by the form of a letter ...
Yes, just one of those idiots that masses of decerebration letters sent to the so-called "experts" who keep heading in the magazines that deal with garbage gossip ...

Cara dottoressa,

mi chiamo Gohan e sono un blogger. Ti scrivo perchè vorrei la tua opinione su una questione che mi sta a cuore. Parlando con una mia amica mi sono reso conto che nei rapporti umani, con le persone alle quali tengo, sono geloso e possessivo. Geloso e possessivo non in senso classico; la mia cioè non è incapacità di accettare la coesistenza con altre persone, ma il fatto di aver paura di perdere il mio ruolo. Di continuare cioè a far parte della vita della persona alla quale tengo ma con un ruolo diverso, di godere di minor stima e di minor considerazione da parte sua. "Sarò ancora la prima scelta quando si deve confidare o ha un problema?", "In a special day on which I hold in front of two different requirements as the other person will behave? I would have the priority? "I bounce off these and other questions in my head and worry. As I said I have no problems to accept coexistence with other 100 people, is that when I have a role - and selfishly I admit that I like that role - the perception (rightly or wrongly) that someone is trying to ensnare it scares me and makes me put on the defensive, so I put the field in a hostile and aggressive. And when I think that in life I consider myself a liberal, it becomes paradoxical. But how - I say - just that I am convinced to believe so visceral in the value of freedom and political struggle with all my might any attempt to limit it in the management of my interpersonal relationships point to the heart if I'm jealous and possessive? It 'been like to stand in front of the mirror, I realized that would probably be a worse person than I thought and was not a good feeling. Regarding the specific question I have now realized that my fears were unfounded and irrational, and that in front of a nonexistent threat I reacted the wrong way, but what I want is to avoid such a situation ricapitasse in the future. Unfortunately, even in my virttù coupled Zodiac (Gemini Scorpio rising-the first one who dares to say that astrology is not a serious thing and he gets a sound energica mazzata dal sottoscritto!) so che sono una persona nervosa ed estremamente umorale, che va a "fiammate"....
Qualcuno per caso ha qualche consiglio da darmi per evitare che in futuro, durante una delle suddette fiammate, possa comportarmi in modo stupido ed infantile? Perchè io ci tengo veramente a migliorare...

"La paura è la via per il Lato Oscuro. La paura conduce all'ira, l'ira all'odio, l'odio conduce alla sofferenza. Io sento in te molta paura"
"La paura del distacco è la via che conduce al Lato Oscuro"

"What should I do, Master Yoda?"

"Practise detachment from everything you fear to lose"

(dialogue between Yoda and Anakin Skywalker in "Star Wars: Episode III")

The Jedi (just like in real life are the Zen monks ) live life with detachment.

Children selected for training in the jedi were torn from their families and they were forbidden to establish loving relationships. This is because it was thought that in the absence of "special relationships" with other people were able to keep a balanced attitude thus acting rationally.

To eliminate the negative impulses So the solution is to eliminate all the "special" people, in not having close friends or to avoid falling in love?

I sincerely hope not and that there is an alternative!


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