Wednesday, January 27, 2010

How Tomake A Tech Deck Club

Io panino...e tu???

When you have little time to eat (or in my case, little desire to cook) a good sandwich is what is best in the world.
And why get it at the bar when with few ingredients and little minute, we can prepare a home made snack? And do not tell me you do not have the ingredients, why do I defy anyone not to have an egg and a can of tuna in oil, forgotten in the pantry. If you want to overdo
then can you prepare the bread alone, but in this case Adeu speed!

This way of preparing the egg salad is from the book Enjoy America (which I recommend) and is very popular abroad. Certainly not the best of lightness, but I really liked it, considering that it was the first egg I tried (it's very Julie & Julia, I know).

That made me feel? Well ... the first egg smell, but in the end is not really too bad, but certainly I do not feel ready yet to taste a real egg, where white and red are two separate units:).

tuna and egg sandwich:


1 egg 2 tablespoons mayonnaise
half a stick of celery finely chopped chives, finely chopped

few drops of lemon
salt and pepper

a small box of tuna (in oil or natural, take your pick)

bread (ciabatta, on tape, strand
Put a pot on the fire with water and the egg, and once came to light boil, turn off heat, cover with lid on and leave for 7 minutes precise.
Once you spent the time to cool by placing the egg under cold water.
Remove the shell and cut into slices.
Add the mayonnaise, celery and chives finely triteti, lemon juice, olive oil and crushed pepper and briefly with a fork (do not have to reduce everything to a paste, leave bits of egg).
Drain the tuna and distribute it on the bread, do the same with the egg salad, and bought with another slice of bread e. .. enjoy!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Room Pokemon Frigo Returns

Potage Parmentier... Ovvero come trarre in inganno i palati raffinati!

Oh yes, because, let's assume you were having to prepare dinner for important guests and do not want to risk a disastrous outcome aims to prepare a menu too complicated (you have this Bridget Jones that prepares food for his friends? ? ... here ...), the potage Parmentier (Leek and potato soup for the rest of us) is right up your alley.
So far I have not met anyone who did not appreciate this soup a full taste and very fragrant.
Even I, who do not know by what trick of fate I hate velvet in general, once tasted the first spoonful, I find myself with a surprise finish my bowl in the blink of an eye and would like another ladle.
And all this without drowning in a huge range of croutons!

Despite the fancy name, the potage Parmentier is a really simple dish, and assured of success, which is prepared in a short time (even less if you use a pressure cooker) and has enjoyed a perfect warm on the couch in these cold days.

Potage Parmentier (for two)

Ingredients: 2 medium potatoes

the white part of 1 leek

water as needed salt and pepper 1 knob of butter

sliced \u200b\u200balmonds (optional)

Method: Wash and peel

the potatoes and cut into cubes.
Wash and clean the leek and cut into rounds.
Place the potatoes and leeks in a pot, cover with water and bring to a boil.
Leave to simmer for about 35-40 minutes with the cover closed.
Blend all the ingredients to blender (or use, if you have patience loooong, a fork, as suggested by Julia Child).
Add a knob of butter and salt and pepper.
Serve warm with a handful of sliced \u200b\u200balmonds.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Mercedes Ml320 Front License Plate Bracket

I Cocoa Coffee Cookies

Originally Chocolate chip cookies were the Master Santin, good biscuits that within a few days have depopulated on the web (do not raise your hand if you made them), I prepared them for over a month ago, following the changes Paoletti (anise and cinnamon, click here the recipe) and I must say I was really impressed and pleased with the outcome! In fact, I was fed up with cookies that promised to be crisp and brittle and instead turned out to be mushy and greasy. Those on the contrary, despite the butter, which is not cheap, really lightweight and eat with pleasure.
The nice thing then is that you can prepare the dough, form a cylinder as explained in the recipe, and freeze everything, so you have the cookies to bake when you want. Very good, no?

After trying the original CCC, I used the basic recipe to create CocoaCoffèCookies, which are nothing more than biscuits with chocolate flavored coffee.
They're great dipped in cold milk, as well as coated with a layer of dulce de leche.


00 380 grams of flour 200 grams of good butter at room temperature and cut into cubes.
190 gr (or even 200 if you do not like the strong taste of cacao) caster sugar 1 egg + 1 egg yolk

80 g cocoa 45 g dark chocolate
5 g baking powder 2 g baking

a pinch of salt 1 vanilla bean 2 tablespoons strong coffee

Melt chocolate in double boiler. Turn, add a bit of butter and coffee. Working the
burro con lo zucchero, i semi della bacca di vaniglia e il sale fino ad avere una crema. Aggiungere il cioccolato, l'uovo e il tuorlo e continuare a lavorare per rendere il composto uniforme.
Incorporare ora la farina precedentemente setacciata con il cacao, il lievito e il bicarbonato e lavore finchè gli ingredienti non saranno tutti ben amalgamati.

Dividere l'impasto in due parti e formare due cilindri belli lunghi.
Rollarli per bene sul piano da lavoro per renderli il più regolari possibile(attenzione però a non riscaldare troppo l'impasto).

Mattere in frigo per 30 minuti.

Riprendere i cilindri e formare delle rondelle di circa 1 cm di spessore.
Disporre su una teglia rivestita con parchment paper spaced from one another and bake at 180 degrees (in a hot oven and static) for approximately 13-15 minutes.
well on a wire rack to cool and store in a tin box.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Brazilian Roast Marinade


The first time I tried the scones was in London during an afternoon tea. These "pastries" but I was attracted by a lot, and not just going crazy because some time ago, in every possible version on most of the food blog, but because a true lover of British films (and of course British actors ;)), see bourgeois gentlemen sip a cup of steaming tea cakes accompanied by such raisins, always made me think of something magical and familiar.
A bit like pancakes. But that's another story ...

Once tasted the real scones I decided to play at home.
"Nothing could be easier-I immediately thought, just take the book on which I glimpsed and get to work!"
But it was not so easy ... with a recipe for the scones do not rise, but rose with the other knew too much yeast, in another there was still a huge amount of fats (butter and cream will-_-) .... After a long tried and tried (and tried and tried again later) I arrived in a recipe where you replace the cream with milk and scones will not rise even putting two or three packets of yeast. They come out of scones beautiful tall, dense and compact just like to be.

Scones: (for about 10 pastries)

Ingredients: 450 gr flour

130 grams of butter (I used butter from cream centrifuge)
2 eggs (XL) 3 small otherwise
45 g
milk 1 teaspoon baking powder 110 g
uvetta1 tablespoon sugar (optional)

Method: Soak the raisins

in hot water and liqueur of your choice (I used a cherry brandy). Sift flour with
the yeast and add the butter and sugar (if desired), working with hands until mixture is sbriccioloso.
Add the beaten eggs with milk and raisins.
Mix well, trying to mix as little as possible.
Roll out the dough to a thickness of about 2 cm and cut with a pasta bowl with a diameter not less than 5 cm (if you have not, like me, you can use a glass, like that of Nutella).
Arrange on a baking tray covered with baking paper, brush with milk and bake in preheated oven at 200 degrees for 15-17 minutes (I did 15 minutes in convection oven and the last two I gave him a blow a fan to get them color).
Cool and serve with jam (Preferably sour oranges) and mascarpone (in the absence of "clotted cream")

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Supplements For Stenosis

Attività manuale per i castorini! di Riccio MdR


Today is just a beautiful day, the sun shines high in the sky and the birds chirping to greet all the forest animals.

behold, that one sees fluttering among the flowers also Farfa lla that immediately notice that Ant # 11 (there are many, you know, ants, and are named with a number) has something in hand to yellow, something she had never seen before.

"Hey, Co that Formica n.11 s'hai in your hands? "- Says Farfa lla.

"Well, here is a kernel of corn ..." - says Formica n.11

"And then what is?"

"You can eat it, if you want. The cut in two, the season with a little 'salt or sugar, and eat. Let?

"Of course!"

The ant is going to break it when suddenly arrive n.11 Riccio saying:

"Wait a minute! What are you doing? "

" Ant was going to split the grain of corn to be able to eat but then you came along and ... .. "

" Brave silly! Do not you know that this grain can be off a cob? You put it under ground, watering it, you care, and after a while 'you have an ear with hundred, two hundred grains! "

" Really? "- Says Formica n.11


“Senti Formica…pen so sia meglio ascoltare Riccio, se ciò che dice è vero ci saranno così tanti chicchi da poterne fare assaggiare uno ad ogni amico del bosco…che ne pensi?”- dice Farfalla

“Affare fatto!!Ci sto!”

Così ecco che Riccio si mette a lavoro! Sotterra il chicco, rimbocca il terreno, lo innaffia, lo protegge dal sole e dalla ru giada, ed ecco dopo un po’ comincia a germogliare una piantina. Tutti gli animali sono incuriositi e si avvicinano a guardare ciò che il Riccio sta facendo.

Days go by when suddenly rise to a beautiful cob ... that party in the woods!

"Fare's the milk!" - Suggests that old tortoise

"No boiled!" Said the beaver-

And while they discuss, the ant with pencil and notebook hand cont the beans.

"One hundred seventy!" - Cries out loud Formica

"Wow!" - Butterfly

exclaims "I have an idea ... we eat i chicchi abbrustoliti e conditi con il miele che i Bombi hanno portato!!” – esclama Riccio

“Ok, sono d’accordissimo!!, Farfalla pensaci tu ad invitare tutti alla festa di stasera…mmmm non vedo l’ora! Ho già l’acqu olina in bocca!”

“Vado!!” – risponde felice F arfalla

Cala la sera, s’accende il fuoco, si sistema la brace, si mette la pannocchia allo s piedo, la si cosparge di miele, la si fa girare: che buon odorino appetitoso si sparge tutto attorno!

meanwhile has settled into a tent, they bring the drinks. ... And a big party in fact.

Any right for everyone!

"Mmmm ... how are crisp roasted beans!" - Exclaims the beaver.

"... .. and how sweet with honey on it!"

Everyone is happy to be able to stay together and will fill and tummy with beans maize ... hopefully nes suno exaggerate or hurt my tummy!
