Wednesday, January 27, 2010

How Tomake A Tech Deck Club

Io panino...e tu???

When you have little time to eat (or in my case, little desire to cook) a good sandwich is what is best in the world.
And why get it at the bar when with few ingredients and little minute, we can prepare a home made snack? And do not tell me you do not have the ingredients, why do I defy anyone not to have an egg and a can of tuna in oil, forgotten in the pantry. If you want to overdo
then can you prepare the bread alone, but in this case Adeu speed!

This way of preparing the egg salad is from the book Enjoy America (which I recommend) and is very popular abroad. Certainly not the best of lightness, but I really liked it, considering that it was the first egg I tried (it's very Julie & Julia, I know).

That made me feel? Well ... the first egg smell, but in the end is not really too bad, but certainly I do not feel ready yet to taste a real egg, where white and red are two separate units:).

tuna and egg sandwich:


1 egg 2 tablespoons mayonnaise
half a stick of celery finely chopped chives, finely chopped

few drops of lemon
salt and pepper

a small box of tuna (in oil or natural, take your pick)

bread (ciabatta, on tape, strand
Put a pot on the fire with water and the egg, and once came to light boil, turn off heat, cover with lid on and leave for 7 minutes precise.
Once you spent the time to cool by placing the egg under cold water.
Remove the shell and cut into slices.
Add the mayonnaise, celery and chives finely triteti, lemon juice, olive oil and crushed pepper and briefly with a fork (do not have to reduce everything to a paste, leave bits of egg).
Drain the tuna and distribute it on the bread, do the same with the egg salad, and bought with another slice of bread e. .. enjoy!


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