Oh yes, because, let's assume you were having to prepare dinner for important guests and do not want to risk a disastrous outcome aims to prepare a menu too complicated (you have this Bridget Jones that prepares food for his friends? ? ... here ...), the potage Parmentier (Leek and potato soup for the rest of us) is right up your alley.
So far I have not met anyone who did not appreciate this soup a full taste and very fragrant.
Even I, who do not know by what trick of fate I hate velvet in general, once tasted the first spoonful, I find myself with a surprise finish my bowl in the blink of an eye and would like another ladle.
And all this without drowning in a huge range of croutons!
Despite the fancy name, the potage Parmentier is a really simple dish, and assured of success, which is prepared in a short time (even less if you use a pressure cooker) and has enjoyed a perfect warm on the couch in these cold days.
Potage Parmentier (for two)
Ingredients: 2 medium potatoes
the white part of 1 leek
water as needed salt and pepper 1 knob of butter
sliced \u200b\u200balmonds (optional)
Method: Wash and peel
the potatoes and cut into cubes.
Wash and clean the leek and cut into rounds.
Place the potatoes and leeks in a pot, cover with water and bring to a boil.
Leave to simmer for about 35-40 minutes with the cover closed.
Blend all the ingredients to blender (or use, if you have patience loooong, a fork, as suggested by Julia Child).
Add a knob of butter and salt and pepper.
Serve warm with a handful of sliced \u200b\u200balmonds.
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