Wednesday, January 20, 2010

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I Cocoa Coffee Cookies

Originally Chocolate chip cookies were the Master Santin, good biscuits that within a few days have depopulated on the web (do not raise your hand if you made them), I prepared them for over a month ago, following the changes Paoletti (anise and cinnamon, click here the recipe) and I must say I was really impressed and pleased with the outcome! In fact, I was fed up with cookies that promised to be crisp and brittle and instead turned out to be mushy and greasy. Those on the contrary, despite the butter, which is not cheap, really lightweight and eat with pleasure.
The nice thing then is that you can prepare the dough, form a cylinder as explained in the recipe, and freeze everything, so you have the cookies to bake when you want. Very good, no?

After trying the original CCC, I used the basic recipe to create CocoaCoffèCookies, which are nothing more than biscuits with chocolate flavored coffee.
They're great dipped in cold milk, as well as coated with a layer of dulce de leche.


00 380 grams of flour 200 grams of good butter at room temperature and cut into cubes.
190 gr (or even 200 if you do not like the strong taste of cacao) caster sugar 1 egg + 1 egg yolk

80 g cocoa 45 g dark chocolate
5 g baking powder 2 g baking

a pinch of salt 1 vanilla bean 2 tablespoons strong coffee

Melt chocolate in double boiler. Turn, add a bit of butter and coffee. Working the
burro con lo zucchero, i semi della bacca di vaniglia e il sale fino ad avere una crema. Aggiungere il cioccolato, l'uovo e il tuorlo e continuare a lavorare per rendere il composto uniforme.
Incorporare ora la farina precedentemente setacciata con il cacao, il lievito e il bicarbonato e lavore finchè gli ingredienti non saranno tutti ben amalgamati.

Dividere l'impasto in due parti e formare due cilindri belli lunghi.
Rollarli per bene sul piano da lavoro per renderli il più regolari possibile(attenzione però a non riscaldare troppo l'impasto).

Mattere in frigo per 30 minuti.

Riprendere i cilindri e formare delle rondelle di circa 1 cm di spessore.
Disporre su una teglia rivestita con parchment paper spaced from one another and bake at 180 degrees (in a hot oven and static) for approximately 13-15 minutes.
well on a wire rack to cool and store in a tin box.


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