Thursday, February 11, 2010

Tvp M Jak Miłosc Tvp Kolejny Odcinek

Alla ricerca del bagel perfetto...missione compiuta!

for bagels That is a real obsession.

in 2008 I spent a wonderful month in the States, where I ate it for breakfast. The inevitable
pancakes, French toast, fried egg and bacon (okay, I admit, I only nibble on bacon), donuts, cereals of all kinds.
When I thought I had already tasted it all, and can put stomach soul in peace, somebody asks me:-
But you tried the bagels? -
-I what?? -
-I bagels! --You can not go home without having a bite! -
Here, I would have done without it, because even if it was true that I had never eaten one, I had seen them, and how if I had seen them! some rings of bread, covered with strange seeds and stuffed with a whole package of cream cheese ... er ... no, not really for me!
The reality is, however, I have not had time to think that I would never (MAI!) ate one, I found myself asking if I could have another.
Once back in Italy I tried, I would say desperately, to find the recipe for the perfect bagel.
I think I've tried most of the recipes in circulation.
The first was to Blue Fairy, which was published with modifications by Paoletta . It came out good sandwiches, but had little to do with the original bagels, which I believe should not contain more than flour, water, yeast and salt.
After this I have tried others, always with mediocre results.
anyone knew too much bread, another was too hard, the more I was getting closer but ...
In June, I learned a recipe from Peter Reinhart, who promised the perfect bagel. I
I have prepared three times, with a score of 2 to 1. The first time an unmitigated disaster, the second okay, the third disaster.
however did not satisfy me yet. Although the result was not bad (nothing to do with the bagels I ate in NY, though) were too complicated, and above all long to do.
Now I come to the perfect recipe. The bagels are chewy and just as I remembered, very importantly, are good, always!

Bagels (Makes 8)

500g of bread flour 310 grams of water

6 g salt 10 g sugar 1 packet of dry yeast

sesame seeds, poppy ... to decorate (optional)

procedure :
Pour the yeast and sugar in half the water without stirring. Wait 5 minutes.
Mix flour and salt.
After 5 minutes stir the yeast until it dissolves completely.
Pour the yeast into the bowl with the flour. Add the remaining water and knead for 15 minutes.
Cover with foil and place to rise until doubled (about 1 hour). Once the time spent
pour the mixture on a work surface, cover the bell and let stand for 10 minutes.
Divide into 8 pieces and roll into balls.
Using a wooden spoon to form a hole in the center of the ball (the hole will be looking offshore, because it tends to shrink).
Cover and let stand for 20 minutes.
Meanwhile, boil a pot of water, and resolder the oven (200 ° static). Boil the bagels
2 minutes per side.
Place on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper and sprinkle with the seeds you want.
Bake for 20 minutes.

Once cooled you can cut in half and freeze.


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