Thursday, December 25, 2008

Nadine Jansen Doing Hardcore


Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Pinewood Derby Star Wars Design


Well, considering that crisps "Amica Chips" starring Rocco Siffredi the most beautiful of maybe not always, however deserves ...
And if this comes from someone who hates Christmas ...
Shit, how beautiful that was the '80s!

Windowblinds Where To Put Sig6


thought to be the person most in the world that hates Christmas, but I discovered that fortunately, there are others whose aversion to this unbearable holiday is like mine ...
What can I say, some news will warm the heart!

Auckland, Santas spread fear

AUCKLAND (NEW ZEALAND) - Warning, do not let children read this news might shock you. At least if you believe in the fairy tale of Santa Claus. The fact has happened in Auckland, the largest city in New Zealand. Forty people dressed in the traditional red and white cap, apparently drunk, have wild robbing stores, assaulting the security guards and urinating from the bridge: three of them were arrested. The news is reported by the New Zealand Herald, explaining that the gesture would be a strange protest against the rampant consumerism that infects so many people (who can afford it) under the Christmas holidays. The event organizer, Alex Dyer, had warned the demonstration would only stop when someone was arrested.

Police said other details pleasant: there were "Daddy" who threw beer bottles, one tried to climb to the top d ' mooring a cruise ship, others were engaged in the destruction of Christmas trees. In the chaos a guard was hit in the face by a fist. "They came, they said" Merry Christmas "and then they served," said Herald the clerk of a store. The problem - says a sergeant - was to recognize the Santa Claus 'bad' from the good ones. Indeed in these days of fancy dress red and white is not really original. The Herald says he is convinced that in this performance there is a hand debunking of the group called Santarchy or Santacon, the American movement that for ten years organized forms of protest
anti-Christmas, with street entertainment and drinks group.
(December 2005)


Sunday, December 14, 2008

Spiker Hair Gel Toronto


Here I am, I left the company, but with the ills of the seasons and the holidays the time has flown by and I could not post anything, but I did a little of photos and now I'll try to catch up . It was already some time I wanted to play groped the pretzel I ate years ago. A first attempt went wrong, but the second is a complete success.

Swivels salted

gluten free pastry (DS )
anchovy paste tomato

olive pate
Hungarian salami (Which is less fat) cream gorgonzola

gluten free flour ( Schar )

Flour the work surface, put the pastry and with the help of a rolling pin roll it up to make high about half a centimeter.
With a brush or your fingers, roll out pastry on a strip of anchovy paste, a tomato and one olive pate. Roll the pastry and cut into slices about 1 cm.
Repeat with the second dough ball and fill with remaining ingredients.
The swivels so obtained will be baked on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper, at 180 degrees for 10 minutes or or until the pastry will be golden. Of course you can decide to use any other filling, the possibilities are endless, even in the sweet version.

Baked Pasta

The baked pasta instead is not a first attempt, but I do not do so often. But when I find time at home is a feast.

Serves 6

2 packages of lasagna ( Schar )
600 g. Grandma's sauce of Teresa
extra virgin olive oil to taste
butter grated Parmesan to taste

For the sauce without gluten

1 liter of milk
50 g. cornstarch
50 g. gluten free flour ( Schar )
80 g.

butter salt nutmeg


Prepare the sauce Heat the milk in a saucepan, over low heat, melt the butter in another pan, remove from heat and mix the flour and cornstarch turning vigorously. Return the saucepan to the heat and gradually pour the milk, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon. Boil the mixture, stirring constantly, until the sauce has not begun to solidify. The moment it falls from the spoon the sauce "writing" is ready. Should therefore not be nor too runny, nor too solid. Season with salt and scratch a little nutmeg. Before you mix it cold with meat sauce mixture.

Boil water in a large pot, add salt and pour in a wireless oil lasagna throw a single package. Cook the pasta for 5 minutes, trying to turn to keep the sheets separate (I use tongs). Drain the sheets one at a time and put on a dry clean. Repeat 0 cooperation with the other package of dough. If the lasagna had stuck together, si staccheranno solo se ancora calde e impregnate d'acqua. Per questo è necessario scolarle una alla volta. Nel caso in cui si rompano, niente paura, basterà ricomporre "il puzzle" .

Prendere una pirofila o una teglia a bordi alti, versarvi sul fondo 2 cucchiaiate di sugo, ricoprire con uno strato di lasagne, poi ancora sugo, questa volta in abbondanza, poi altre lasagne e ancora sugo. Alternare gli strati concludendo con il sugo, versarvi sopra abbondante parmigiano grattugiato e qualche fiocco di burro. Porre il tutto in forno a 200° per circa 35 minuti. Sopra la pasta si dovrà formare una crosta scura .

Biscotti allo Zenzero
Sono i classici biscottini Christmas, but it is the first year that they do. I wanted so much to do .... pandoro if only I had found the mold. It will be for next year, then she ordered over the Internet.

Ingredients 350 g. gluten free flour (DS)
1 teaspoon baking (Colombo)
125 g.
100 grams of butter
sugar 20 ml milk 1 teaspoon ginger
candied cherries 1 egg (as per handbook)
colored sprinkles (as per handbook)


Fate soften butter, mix with the sugar using electric beaters until the mixture is swollen. Add milk, beaten egg and then the flour, baking powder and fenzero. You will get a packet of pasta that will be wrapped in plastic wrap and place in refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Flour the work surface, and resume the dough with a rolling pin roll it out in a layer of about half a centimeter. With the help of cutters cut out cookies and place it on a baking sheet with parchment paper wet and squeezed. Decorate cookies as desired. Bake at 180 degrees for 10 minutes, or until the biscuits are golden brown. Remove from the oven and allow to cool before transferring to a tray.


Saturday, November 22, 2008

Ladies Omega 14k Gold Watch

L'intervista doppia

Wandering through the blogs I found a nice initiative, launched by two friends Fouda blogger, Mara and Giulia.

INTERVIEW ROOM (explanation plagiarized directly from the site of Mara)

Who wants to get involved, but honestly, do not have to do is be available leaving your name in to post comments Mara or down by December 25 and insert the banner of the game in proprio blog con il link a Panna o a Delizia. A raccolta ultimata faranno le coppie e vi comunicheranno il vostro vicino di blog sul quale vi faranno le domande e vi forniranno il questionario al quale dovrete rispondere (non sarà uguale per tutti). Il suddetto questionario dovrà essere rimandato al mittente con la vostra FOTO!!! Poi li pubblicheranno!!!!Iscrizioni aperte.......VIAAAA!!!

Mi sembra una bella occasione per approfondire qualche conoscenza.


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Introduce Myself Via Email

EVVIVA LE CASTAGNE !!!!! Marrons Glacés e Castagnaccio

Quest'anno siamo riusciti a mangiarci 20 kg . di marroni in 15 giorni. Come al solito li abbiamo consumati bolliti, crogiati of the fireplace, and for the first time I tried to make Marrons Glacés . The preparation is a little lunghini , but it is simple and the result is worth. Too bad that you can save up to Christmas would be perfect as gifts.


700 g. brown and very large
500 g. 50 g. sugar

procedure to remove the first brown peel, boil in a saucepan for 3-4 minutes or until you can not remove the second skin. Drain a little peel them all at once. Put the sugar and water in a large skillet, melt it over medium heat and add, with delicacy, chestnuts. Boil for 3 minutes, turning them calmly. Allow to stand for the brown one day, then replace the pan to the fire and boil for three minutes. Spread the chestnuts in a pan and allow to dry for another day. Surely not all of the chestnuts will remain intact, but the pieces are equally delicious! Arrange the marron glacé in cups e gustarli in compagnia. Si conservano per circa una settimana.

Non contenti d'aver comprato venti kg . di castagne, in questo ultimo mese abbiamo più volte mangiato il castagnaccio. Da buoni toscani amiamo questo "dolce" e tutti gli anni, nei primi mesi autunnali, lo sforniamo ripetutamente.
250 g. di farina di castagne (consultare il prontuari dei prodotti senza glutine)
circa 3 bicchieri d'acqua
pinoli a volontà
some walnuts
2 Rummy
rosemary extra virgin olive oil to taste
In a bowl add the flour, add little water at a time, stirring and taking care to dissolve all lumps. The mixture should be fluid, but not too liquid. Add a little olive oil and pine nuts to taste. Oil a baking dish, pour the mixture, to be almost an inch high (We prefer it drier and more full of dried fruit). Cover the surface with other pine nuts with walnuts into pieces and rosemary. Oil again and bake at 180 g. for 20 minutes. The chestnut, well done, will have some cracks on the surface .

One last thing before I leave, I wanted to let you know that on Friday they released B log cooking an interview with me, Laura Thank you again for this opportunity and invite you to read it to know more about me and celiac disease, because remember:

"ONLY 1 out of 10 people



Kisses to all.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

When Do Student Loans Come Through

The dream

When meditation is completed (or unintentionally, hopefully voluntarily) in his sleep, there is another aspect to consider: the dream.
The dream can be a pick that allows us to access higher levels, can enable us to forge ahead and quickly reach unexpected levels ... as well as can deceive, delude and lead to false paths.
It 'important to maintain consciousness and dream recall, so you can be the subject of meditation after waking.
dream recall is relatively simple, following this simple technique: when you glide into sleep, we must maintain a minimum level of awareness to "see" in the act of falling asleep, and in this awareness, preserve and express a strong desire to remember what you are going to dream, thinking or whispering a formula like "I'm going to sleep, and I remember waking up full of my dreams. " On waking
then (which should be natural and not induced, for example, by the alarm clock), just a few moments to review the dream of slumber, whose memory at this point there will be fixed in the mind even after waking.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Empty Lipstick Palette


happens that many meditation exercises are completed with sleep.
In principle, this should not happen, except when is desired. That is, the young druid should be able to conduct meditation with clarity, and end it at will and when necessary with the operations, not surprisingly, are known as "awakening."
Since there are many similarities between meditation and sleep, it is very easy to slip from one to another. It will be even healthier when you are very tired or have trouble falling asleep, to simple meditation exercises, which then simply leave and gently slip into healthy sleep.
However, as I said, it is important that this is done knowingly and willingly.
When the young druid constantly slipping from meditation in sleep, there are two possible causes:
  • little control over the meditation exercises
  • a state of fatigue and physical exhaustion, or exceptional, however, excessive
In the first case, the solution is to apply more firmly in the exercises.
In the second, it is essential to find the right balance of body and serenity necessary before advancing with the exercises. This is possible through a healthy rest and sleep, being conducted through meditation, but always, as I said, on a voluntary basis. And maybe deciding to leave behind him the weight of excessive concern.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Oficina En Tijuana Vitamin Water

Sometimes the way is easy ... An important point

One spends his life to try them all: yoga, transcendental meditation of all kinds, autogenic training, and so on and so forth ...
And always with mediocre results, if not disappointing.
Then one summer day, relax in the woods for a nap ... half asleep let the thoughts run, unravel, tangle and tangle of branches above ... gets lost looking at the clouds that seem to become tangled in the branches of the trees above him ... and suddenly, as if by accident, that reaches into a life of exercises had failed even to approach.
As if ... but the case does not exist.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Creamy Cm A Week Before Period

Gnocchetti verdi alla crema di gorgonzola

Here we are again at the weekend, thank goodness it's there, otherwise I would not know when you post. In truth I can arrange to cook your time only on Saturday and Sunday. During the week, a thousand things to do force me to spend very little time in the kitchen.

However, today I made the dumplings potato and spinach and I say I'm happy with the result, were soft and compact at the right point. I have a simple butter and sage served with lunch for me and Matilda and evening for the whole family with a creamy gorgonzola. In this way, I made everyone happy.

Ingredients For the gnocchi

700 g. potatoes 300 g. 200 grams of frozen spinach gluten free flour ( Schar ) 1 whole egg and a red 30 g butter salt

For the gorgonzola cream

50 g butter 100 ml heavy cream 100 g. 10 gorgonzola walnuts grated Parmesan salt to taste Method

Boil the potatoes and spinach, them in salt water. Wring the spinach and saute in pan with melted butter for a few minutes. Peel the potatoes and reduce them to with mashed masher, mix in a bowl with the spinach, also passed, with eggs and flour. This will give you a soft but firm. Flour the work surface and form of the snakes of dough about 1 cm. in diameter and reduce them into pieces of 2 cm.

Place a pan of water on the fire and in the meantime, prepare the cream cheese. Put the butter in a pot and melt it in a water bath (ie putting it over the pot of boiling water) remove the pot from heat and add the gorgonzola into pieces and cream. Replace the flat on the pan and mix ingredients 's making sure that the cream does not begin to boil. Remove the pot from the heat, season with salt water and pour the gnocchi, stirring once. Let them boil until they rise to the surface. Drain, toss with the cream of gorgonzola, chopped walnuts and Parmesan.


I wanted to inform you that vanilla essence held a fine collection of recipes for apple pie. Of course, I decided to participate with my apple pie and nuts , which I consider a real workhorse. If you have any recipe suitable you do your thing.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

How To Remove Jg M4 S System Flash Hider

Un blog di cucina molto speciale e Crostata Colombo senza glutine

I am pleased to inform you that he was born a new "Blog de cuisine (it's called just like that) which brings together in one list all the blogs that deal with cooking, but Only here you'll find many interesting categories, insights, curiosity. Are 4 people in charge of the new aggregator (Laura, Martin, Myrtle , Geillis ), but we are all called to make our contribution. So, hurry to sign up and collaborate numerous. Even I, in my small way, I will try to help and to launch initiatives to disclose in qualche modo informazioni sul mondo della celiachia e della cucina senza glutine.
Ed ora la ricettina .

Sabato ho provato a fare la crostata "Colombo", prendendo la ricetta dalla bustina di lievito omonima, la faceva sempre la nonna di mio marito (cuoca strepitosa) e in casa la rimpiangevano da tanto. Naturalmente nella ricetta originale c'è la farina doppio 00, utilizzando quella senza glutine ho dovuto ritoccare leggermente le dosi di alcuni ingredienti. Come avrete capito non si tratta di una crostata tradizionale con la frolla classica da preparare e tenere in frigo prima di essere usata. In questo caso si usa il lievito e quindi niente riposo.

Ingredients 700 g. gluten free flour ( Schar )
350 g. 300 grams of sugar
butter 2 eggs and 2 yolks
zest 1 lemon 1 tablespoon baking

Prepare pans greased and floured (I used a very tiny and 4). Melt the butter in a saucepan over medium heat. Mix flour, sugar, lemon and yeast, add eggs and butter and mix everything well to form a soft dough and compact. Spread the mixture into baking pan so that it is p ver top half cm. Cover con marmellata, crema o Nutella (io ho usato 2 tipi di marmellata per la crostata e la Nutella per le crostatine ). Decorare con striscioline d'impasto e infornare a 180° per 35 minuti.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Im Pakistani And Want To Marry American


Finalmente ce l'ho fatta a prendermi un po' di tempo per postare una ricettina . Giuro, mi siete mancati, ma ero veramente indaffarata. Ricominciare a lavorare organizzando la famiglia e programmando tutto il lavoro dell'anno scolastico richiede tempo e inoltre ho fatto il cambio di stagione (e il caldo è tornato). Comunque, oggi ho sfornato una bella ciambella, seguendo una ricetta my cousin Paula. Here is the result.

Ingredients 500 g. gluten free flour (DS )
10 spoonfuls of sugar
200 g. melted butter 4 eggs
1 envelope and 1 / 2 yeast (Colombo)
the juice of a lemon
1 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa ( Coop )
1 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa ( Coop )
1 / 2 cup milk 1 pear

Method Mix in a bowl gli ingredienti in questo ordine farina, zucchero, uova e burro fuso, limone e lievito.
Dividere l'impasto in parti uguali e aggiungere ad una metà il cacao amaro e quello zuccherato. Versare, in una tortiera da ciambelle (o in una normale con un bicchiere nel centro) prima l'impasto bianco e poi quello al cacao. Decorare la superficie con spicchi di pera. Infornare a forno caldo a 180° per 35 minuti, vale comunque la prova stecchino. Prima di servire potete spolverizzare con zucchero a velo o decorare con panna montata.

Spero di non far passare un altro mese e mezzo e di riuscire a postare anche le vecchie ricette già fotografate.


Friday, October 10, 2008

7.5 Truck Operators Licence


Bertrand de Jouvenel , all'interno del suo libro
"L'etica della redistribuzione" , parlando del socialismo scrive:
«Esso (il socialismo) cerca di fondare un nuovo ordine di amore fraterno. Il sentimento-base del socialismo non è la convinzione che le cose siano non proporzionate e quindi non giuste, che le remunerazioni non siano proporzionate al lavoro, ma è una rivolta emotiva contro gli antagonismi nella società, contro la bassezza del comportamento degli uomini nei confronti l'uno dell'altro.
E' certo logicamente possibile minimizzare l'antagonismo minimizzando le occasioni in cui i cammini degli uomini si incontrano. Dunque, la soluzione agraria risiede nella sovranità economica di ogni singolo proprietario sul suo ben delineato campo che è della stessa misura di quello del suo vicino. Ma questo non è possibile nelle società moderne, dove gli interessi sono intrecciati come in un nodo gordiano. Tagliare il nodo vuol dire regresso ad uno stato più primitivo. Ma c'è un'altra soluzione: c'è un nuovo spirito di gioiosa accettazione di questa interdipendenza; cioè che gli uomini, chiamati dal progresso economico e dalla divisione del lavoro a cooperare l'uno con l'altro sempre più , dovrebbero farlo "in una novità di spirito", non come faceva l'uomo "vecchio" che dosava con avarizia il suo lavoro based on its return, but as a man "new" which finds its pleasure in the welfare of his brothers.
(...) The socialist solution, then, is the destruction of private property as such.
(...) A community such work. It worked for centuries and we can see it at work before our very eyes in any monastic community. But we must note that these are the city of brotherly love why are city originally built by the Father. Should also be noted that tangible are easily divided because are despised. The members of this community not only do not aspire to increase their individual welfare at the expense of each other, but do not have ambitions to expand in any way. Their appetites are not addressed in material comforts, and therefore little reason to compete, they are directed to God who is infinite. In short, these are members of one another because not form a social body, but because are part of a mystical body.
Socialism seeks to restore this unit without the faith that generates it. Try to re-establish a fair division as between brothers, without the disdain for material goods, without a prerequisite for their uselessness.
(...) socialism suffers from ambiguity nel suo modo di giudicare i valori: se il bene della società risiede in ricchezze più grandi, perchè non dovrebbe essere così per il bene dell'individuo?
(...) Se questa aspirazione alla ricchezza è sbagliata nell'individuo, perchè non lo è nella società?»

De Jouvenel , argomentando con chiarezza e acume, a mio parere centra il punto della questione.
Il socialismo non è applicabile non perchè astrattamente impossibile, ma perchè si scontra con la natura umana.
Un typical example of socialist inefficiency is to observe how in the absence of appropriate incentives (ie wages varied based on their productivity) each will try to work as little as possible to that goal and work very hard so if the payment received will be the same even if you unstintingly forces working below their means?
This example was the reason behind the low productivity of collective farms Soviets (and the reason that today is leading to radical reforms within the Israeli kibbutz, whose organizational model has long been in crisis ) and is clearly due to psychological reasons, to nature that characterizes most of the individuals. As pointed out by de Jouvenel a community based on a spirit of genuine brotherhood and selfless is possible only within the nuclei of small size, certainly not in large communities. Why socialism can be successfully applied on a large scale should change human nature, which had already realized the first socialists. In this regard

Ludwig von Mises , in his "Liberalism" (published in 1927), wrote:
'Authors socialists all promise to not only wealth but also the happiness and love, full mental and physical development of the personality, the manifestation of great artistic potential, and so on. (...) Just recently Trotckij argued in a paper that in a socialist society "the average level of humanity will rise to the heights of an Aristotle, a Goethe, a Marx."

To try to remedy the lack denounces Bertrand de Jouvenel , or "re-establish the unit without the faith that creates" the socialist elites, through control of education, have sought to forge a "new man", suitable to live in a socialist society, but because you can not work against human nature so far the results have not arrived.

Some time ago, hanging out on the web, I came across this comment in the official blog written Party of Italian Communists (PDCI ) that made me think a lot:
" (...) One more thing on the concept of merit. We, I mean me as virtually all Marxist-Leninists, we do not deny at all the "Merit". But I do not notice that the aggravation counterproductive effects of meritocracy. And 'good reward merit, of course, but the award of merit must not become the humiliation of others. The worthy still need the acceptance of their merit by all. If reward merit means humiliating those less worthy, you can be sure that the humiliated will no longer be willing to recognize you on your ... Again, this is "human nature" ... "

Every liberal who can not be
disheartened by how low is acceptable enjoyed his ideas, and this in spite della loro apparente e incontrovertibile razionalità.
Si tratta semplicemente di scarsa conoscenza?
Del fatto che ad un primo impatto il liberalismo possa risultare ostico e che quindi le persone non si sentono incentivate nel suo approfondimento?
E' un problema che dipende dal fatto che i liberali comunicano male e non riescono a trovare il modo di rendere le loro tesi sufficientemente accattivanti presso il grande pubblico?
O forse siamo di fronte ad una follia collettiva, di massa?

E se invece la ragione avesse radici più profonde?
Così come la maggior parte delle persone non è disposta ad impiegare tutte le proprie energie in un'attività sulla base di un generalizzato and indistinct feeling of solidarity with others and in total absence of the prospect of an increase of their individual well-being in the same way is not perhaps part of human nature, the feeling of envy?
Most people are not willing to accept fair competition based on merit, not willing to accept the risk, is not interested in freedom if it involves the principle of individual responsibility, or the second which every wrong choice implies consequences that will be paid in person.

Mises, in his already citata opera "Liberalismo", scrive: « Orbene, il liberalismo non ignora affatto che gli uomini agiscono anche irrazionalmente. Se infatti agissero sempre e comunque razionalmente, sarebbe superfluo esortarli ad assumere la ragione come criterio della loro azione. Il liberalismo non sostiene che gli uomini agiscono sempre razionalmente, ma semplicemente che dovrebbero sempre farlo nel loro stesso interesse ben calcolato. E l'essenza del liberalismo consiste appunto nel portare l'elemento della ragione anche nella politica, dandole quel rilievo che nessuno le contesta in tutti gli altri campi dell'azione umana. »

- "However, liberalism is not unaware of all that men also act irrationally"
ALSO ABOVE irrationally or irrationally?
- "And the essence of liberalism is precisely to bring the element of reason in politics"
But is this possible?
Mises was not it a bit 'too optimistic in this respect, as the history of the last century seems to have taught us?

Basically, I wonder ...

liberalism and libertarianism are perhaps also at odds with human nature, even though these systems based on rational ideas?
delineate hypothetical worlds dreamed of by a bunch of enlightened, sighing think that "this is what might be if the soul of nature that most humans were different?
In summary, these two utopias?
Reluctantly I'm starting to think that the answer is "yes."

on the same topic I recommend reading the post "Someone was liberal , written by his Jinzo .

Monday, September 22, 2008

Retroperitoneal Hematoma Management


As I wrote that just ended was certainly not my best summer, but ...
Since last Friday I found myself in the house devastated from cold, cough and sore throat, I would say that this is the just and logical outcome!
But since we must always try to see the glass half full welcome with joy the end of this disastrous season, and even accomplices of major projects that I frullanno the head, I welcome the autumn, which represents for me the beginning idealmante of a new phase ...
A little 'as happened recently to my favorite comic book character, or Spider-Man!
What then starts the new era!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Imperia Online Kalkulator


immigration I have already addressed in my post
"A few thoughts on immigration"
than when I wrote it, under some readings on the subject (especially the book "Simply liberal" of Antonio Martino) and some personal experiences, I partially modified some of my positions. As the blogosphere
wandering I came across a post written by John Sena in which it is expressed very well what I think today I found unnecessary to write something new, so I invite everyone to read his piece
"Reasoning Immigration "

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Gmc Outside Temperature


"There may be another right? "
" There is a serious space to the right for the distinction? There is room for those who do not Fallaci considers a summit of Western culture? There is space on the right, for anyone who is not obsessively pro-Israel? There is room for anyone who is not clerical? There is room for guaranteed old-fashioned? There is room for anyone who is not willing to defend, always and in any event, the corporatism of all those categories that are known to engage in tax evasion? There is room for those willing to recognize even a minimal basis to certain environmental issues? "
(Filippo Facci)

" (...) let the right people with the free choices of individuals. People living deeply and intimately will be free to practice their religion, as now is not free to divorce and not to abort. But the state must safeguard its secularism, which also involves the removal of many privileges granted to the churches. Above all, a state led by a modern center has to leave each free to lead their lives as vuolr without interfering with moral or ethical choices about decisions that affect only the individual. I mean the right to euthanasia, than to draw up a living will, assisted procreation, sexuality, contraception, the possibility of living with anyone having the same rights as those who prefer to get married. "
(Gordano Bruno Guerri)

Filippo Facci and Giordano Bruno Guerri

writers do not always agree with what they say and let us Guerri ( although very often the case), what is truly important is stated that fortunately there are only Yesmen and that inside the center there is still some free spirit who has the courage to express their opinions even if they are not in line with those of the newspaper for which he wrote and differ greatly from what is the prevailing attitude within the political movement the publisher without their being any problems whatsoever.
I personally think that the articles of Filippo Facci and Giordano Bruno Guerri , along with those of Massimo Teodori and Nicola Porro, in addition to never be commonplace and offer interesting insights every time, are the only why every now and then is still worthwhile to read the "Journal."