Friday, March 11, 2011

Black Stools After Drinking Red Wine

Ricotta tart and blueberry jam

I do not know, I invented there and then, I wanted to make a cake with ricotta that I had never done, I wanted to try the blueberry jam that I bought from my baker trust.
E 'coming off a nice pie, improved definitely but pleasant.
I hope to remember for all the ingredients ...

For the pastry
250 grams of flour 50 grams almond flour 2 eggs
70 g butter 80 g sugar
half a bag of yeast

For the filling
blueberry jam
250 g cheese 1 egg 50 g sugar

Preparation :
Mix the flours, add the softened butter, egg, sugar and yeast and stir quickly to form a ball and wrap in plastic wrap then refrigerate for half an hour.
Meanwhile prepare the stuffing.
Mix ricotta gently with the sugar and egg.
Take the dough pastry and roll out on a role by taking round a little bit of pasta that will be used to make decorative strips. Spread a generous dose
of blueberry jam on the pastry and then the cream cheese.
Garnish with thin strips of pasta that you have kept aside.
Bake in preheated oven at 180 degrees for 40 minutes.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Can You Open More Than One Student Account

Turkey and apple red purple

Che io mi stia sbizzarrendo in cucina ultimamente già lo sapete. Ho provato questa combinazione di sapori e mi è piaciuta. Se non vi piace il tacchino lo potete sostituire senza dubbio con del pollo. Vi assicuro che è un piatto simpatico e veloce da fare; le mele danno freschezza e dolcezza, i pomodori secchi fanno da contrasto dando un pò di sapore deciso ad una carne che di per sè è abbastanza neutra. Provate e raccontatemi cosa ne pensate!!
Ingredienti per 2 persone: 300 petto di tacchino, ½ limone, aceto balsamico, 1 cucchiaio olio extravergine di oliva, 1 mela rossa, due cucchiai di pomodori secchi sott'olio, sale, timo.
Procedure: turkey breast cut into small pieces and regular. Heat a little oil in a saucepan and add the turkey. Let cook over medium heat and stir, add salt and a sprinkling of thyme. When the meat is almost cooked, add the dried tomatoes and then cut the apple into pieces with its peel. Serve and add a few drops of balsamic vinegar.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

How To Fix A Scuba Tank In My Car?

Cauliflower and Feta Frittata

So, I just really like cauliflower ... when you cook that makes you stink stinks the house and then I digest well bad ...
Well, me being a bit 'nasty.
However, it is a vegetable of the season, good for salute e così, mangiamolo...
Ho trovato questa ricettina che me lo ha rivalutato.
Il sapore della feta smorza quello del cavolfiore e con l'uovo viene fuori un bel piatto unico.
E visto che è un piatto unico ripartecipo al contest di Eleonora del blog Burro e Miele sui Piatti Unici

I piatti unici - Blog Burro e Miele

Se anche a voi il cavolfiore vi sta un po'... sul cavolo, provate a farlo così:

1 cavolfiore piccolo
6 uova 200 gr feta
a sprig of parsley
olive oil salt - pepper

Steam the cauliflower for 10 minutes before you have washed and divided into various flowers.
Wash the parsley and chop coarsely.
Crumble a little feta.
the eggs and beat with a fork to mix a little bit but only because if you mix them too much then they become chewy when cooked.
United feta and cauliflower steamed.
with salt and pepper.
Heat up the oven to 180 degrees.
Pour the mixture into a round baking pan with butter or covered with parchment paper.
Sprinkle chopped parsley over the surface.
Bake for 25 minutes until the surface is golden.

Differance Between All Inclusive A D Full Board


It 's the first time in my life that are completely fascinated by the cabbage, I do not know, I want to cook them in every way. Then, now that we are on the sunset of the winter and is still quite cold, these flavors seem reassuring and their perfume in the house gives me a sense of warmth. Okay, fantasies aside, I suggest this recipe which I hope you like. I found the cabbage in a supermarket bio (I discovered recently and is more close to home!), I hope you easily find the purple cabbage (my super for example have not), otherwise ... write down the recipe and will be fine next year :-)). Here it is:
Ingredients for two cocotte: 200 gr purple cabbage, 1 potato, pasta for lasagna, soy sauce, 50 oz Brie cheese, 2 tablespoons cheese, salt and salt .
Procedure: thinly sliced \u200b\u200bcabbage, a small potato cut into small pieces and boil them in salted water for 10 minutes. Drain thoroughly and the buttered casserole. Mix the soy sauce with cabbage, potatoes and Brie, cut into small pieces. Spread a layer of pasta on the basis of Pentolina, then add a spoonful of the first compound. The rest of the pasta you can chop and spread the mixture together, instead of creating the classic casserole in layers that do not seem ideal. I prefer to break the classic lasagna pasta cutting unevenly. I put a bit 'then a bit of pulp' of vegetables to fill up the pot. Sprinkle with a little 'pecorino and informed to 200 ° 30'.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Large Red Bump On Baby Face

cous cous wrapped in cabbage

As you know, at least two weeks in the house lunch and dinner in compliance with the diet of the householder, then the undersigned has pledged to find and invent recipe read and I must say that after 10 days of testing, I am pleased to these new combinations. This recipe I have studied the diet based on (necessarily), but most still rely on what nature gives us these days and between cabbage, Brussels sprouts and cabbage because I chose the other, I confess, I had always a bit snubbed. In my opinion it is a good solution, I'm good as a main course because I believe the cous cous and vegetables sate give flavor without weighing it down. Here are the doses and procedure:
Ingredients for two: ½ cup couscous 2 cups vegetable stock 1 red pepper, 1 zucchini, onion, 5 leaves of cabbage, salt, broth vegetable, olive
Procedure: for the preparation of cous cous with vegetables: we begin to prepare the vegetables. Finely chop the onion and cut it with the crescent. Brunoise Cut the pepper and zucchini and add to the previously dried onion in a little oil and over medium heat. Often mixed vegetables, salt lightly and let simmer for 10 minutes. Separately, prepare the cous cous making the first toast and then mildly soften the vegetable broth. Having done stand 5 'in a covered pot, stir well for granite. Join the verduure and prepare the leaves of the cabbage that will house the cous cous.
Remove from cabbage leaves 5 degrees, wash and boil in lightly salted water until they are softened. Once cooked, drain and dry. Remove the white part and harder in his end: This removes the most bitter and you'll have greater ease in creating your little bundle. Now there is that pack your cous cous. Well open a leaf of cabbage, a spoonful of cous cous disponetevi, wrap the extremities and Place the bundle with the closing down, in contact with the plate. In this way, the bundle will be closed within 10 minutes of purchase consitent in its form. Use the same method to fill the other leaves and distributed the parcels in a circle on the plate. At the center, pour a few tablespoons of couscous you have left out and serve.
participated in the contest with this recipe:

Neon Bud Light Space Needle

apple pie .... Bloom

The basic recipe for this apple pie is the Lady Juliana Morse and I got it from a very nice book called \u0026lt;\u0026lt;Women and Recipes by Prairie Bolognese>>.
the decorative "flower" of apples (made in a radial pattern like the petals of a rose) is my hand.
I also did a little variation by adding a handful of raisins if you do not like you can remove.

I also decreased the amount of butter and sugar and I added the lemon and sugar apples.

Happy Women's Day!

250 g sugar 70 g butter
350 g flour 3 eggs
grated lemon peel 1 teaspoon baking powder 3 apples
a handful of raisins passes
1 lemon and 2-3 tablespoons of sugar to glaze the apples

Preparation Soak the raisins to make it recover a bit '.
Melt the butter over low heat.
Mix sugar, lemon zest, and eggs.
Add the melted butter and warmed flour sifted with the baking powder.
Add the raisins, taking care to squeeze a bit '.
Mix well and pour into a round baking pan.
Cut apples into wedges equal (more or less) and decorate the cake as you like.

Take a lemon and squeeze it on apple slices.
Sprinkle with plenty of sugar.
So in cooking will form a delicious crust.

2003 Roush Stage 2 Specs

Stadium Sunday to watch the Bologna

Picture taken separate business from the site of the Bologna FC

There are certain emotions which, unfortunately, I realize, they forget a little '.
To me, writing helps a lot. I did well at school, when I had to study, I dei riassunti, così le nozioni mi rimanevano più in testa.
Non che questo sia il riassunto di una giornata, ma più semplicemente un ricordo scritto, che penso mi piacerà rileggere fra qualche anno, quando magari le situazioni saranno diverse, e forse anche io sarò cambiata.
La faccio corta anche se è lunga.
Domenica pomeriggio sono andata allo stadio a vedere la partita del Bologna.
I biglietti costavano pochissimo, 1 euro per un posto in curva e 2 euro per un posto nei distinti.
Le previsioni del tempo mettevano sole e 14 gradi anche se solo mercoledì e giovedì qui nevicava mica poco.
Non sono una gran frequentatrice dello stadio, ci vado al massimo once a year to see the last or penultimate league. Usually on these occasions the stadium is quite empty, we forward to the season, it's hot and people prefer to leave to make a trip out of town.
Sunday however, aided by the sun, thanks to the victory against Juventus in Turin for 2 to zero, thanks to the popular price of the ticket, the stadium was packed full of people willing to enjoy a nice game of Bologna.
Curva Andrea Costa full

I, the popes, a buddy of my son and my son we are beautiful compressed in separate area B, in full sun, in front of the grandstand. I get lost looking at the curve Andrea Costa chock-full of red-blue scarf fans who celebrate the 100 in Bologna from the captain Marco Di Vaio, I thousand photos, here, there, the flags, the Curve, the Tower of Marathon short , a great feast.
Tower of Marathon

When you read the training that I feel a great Magone salt in the throat. I do not know if you know how it is viewed the formation of a team, the announcer reads the role and first name of the player and the whole stadium screaming your last name. Well ... Sunday was really the whole stadium screaming the names of players and when they called Mark, there was a roar of people who shouted: DI VAIO!

The game starts, Cagliari is a good team, and medium ranking young players already in the process of calling for the national team. The Bologna scores a penalty kick, then is joined by Cagliari and finally passed. My son, the broad smile of the result of a net benefit of zero is passed to a nervous frown and now demonstrates its dissent. It 's a pretty emotional child, and frustration comes out all in the attitude typical of children. Would you go away, do not want to be there to suffer, he will not see his team lose, and I understand a little bit.
It 's a beautiful day, sun, heat, all those people to cheer, hope, encouragement and, unfortunately, you lose ...
We are now at the end, perhaps the ninetieth.
The Bologna played with almost all the attackers, the curve does not stop singing the chorus to the end strength Bologna!
entire audience jumps up, like one man, every time there is even a small chance of scoring.
But now it is almost over, there are minutes of recovery.
After a couple of wrong actions around the area of \u200b\u200bCagliari Bologna flows, including the goalkeeper. When I see exactly
Viviano, Bologna goalkeeper, leaving his door and run up front I understand that players want to score, will not come out of the stadium defeated, they want to sign for us!
A great mixture, Viviano launches into diving as if to put the ball on goal with his hands, but the door is not his, and after many rebounds, we can rejoice, it's goal!

The goal of two like Ramirez (note the presence of 2 goalies ..)
I cry a little, while I laugh, jump, rejoice, cry. Most embrace the one sitting next to me who have smoked him all the time! My son weeps bitterly for him, happiness is revealed in tears and I rub his hair and look at him and I feel that a lot of good ....
The game is over. We draw but it is as if we had won the championship.
Sunday the twelfth player on the field was the result ...
be reinterpreted in 10 years, when the strain of modern life has made me forget all about that day.

update the post with the comment emotional game of the Popes:
The sacred and the profane
The machine I put it there on the street as usual, put it where my father first took me there. ;
Because the game starts here in the long walk to the side of the Certosa cemetery (the oldest and largest of Bologna), among many other fans eager to speak of Bologna, though in deference to subheading almost dead.
And then the stadium, the pagan temple.
What has not changed, the Marathon tower, above the Basilica of San Luca, water and 25,000 Cerelia faces following a ball in sync.
And then the choreography of the curve, the anxiety of the beginning, the joy of the benefit, the discomfort of the tie until the depression of defeat that there is now very close.
But then the unbelievable happens, the perfect goal to 'Last heartbeat.
E' true joy overwhelming and exciting to feel good while neatly stadium empties.
Dal tempio pagano di nuovo alla sacralità della Certosa, questa volta da dentro, con un saluto alla tomba di Carducci, bolognese eloquente, ripensando a mio figlio commosso, come me, 30 anni fa. Appunto il sacro ed il profano.


Monday, March 7, 2011

Dell No Supported Webcam Driver

endives baked (recipe from John and Barbara)

Ancora un contorno sfizioso che ho potuto gustare grazie a Gianni ed a Barbara.
Dopo i peperoni, che trovate qui , adesso è la volta dell'insalata Belga al forno. 
L'ho trovata una piacevole novità poiché io la Belga l'ho sempre e solo mangiata cruda, with oil and salt and I also liked little.
Baked sconfinfera I like the most and also to those who'd never eaten raw!
It 'easy and is done as follows:

Ingredients: 2
Caspi Salad Belgian
salt pepper olive oil

Preparation: Cut into four wedges
every kinda salad after having removed the leaves a bit 'damaged.
Place on baking sheet sprinkle with salt, pepper and passing a thread of olive oil.
Place in a preheated oven at 200 for about 30 minutes.

E 'is good fresh from the oven and cool.
add one more drop of oil if it seems dry and enjoy!

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Plumcake salmon

Granted I have not had a good start to the week, whereas fever and a sore throat, I'd say it's appropriate to respond and, why not start with a contest that me is very nice and has the protagonist Plumcake. I chose the verson I have focused on salt and salmon. In fact, I accompanied some slices of smoked salmon sprinkled with lemon and just a few slices of this plum cake while still warm. In essence, we sosituito bread and I must say that it is quite filling also contributes documentation that it contains the soft cheese to give it substance.
Ingredients for 4 people: 200 gr salmon, 1 cup of yogurt plant (or white fat), 00 100 g flour, rice flour 40 g salt, 1 egg, 50 g soft cheese, ½ tablespoon baking pies for 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil, parsley.
Procedure: wash the piece of steamed salmon and cook for about 10 minutes. When it is cooked, clean, taking care to remove all bones and skin that surround it. Frullatelo in a mixer and place in a large bowl. Add egg, salt and stir. Pour in the flour, stirring constantly 00, alternating with yogurt so the mixture is still soft and runny. Add the cheese and the rice flour, 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil, two tablespoons at least chopped parsley and finally ½ packet of yeast.
line the loaf pan with baking paper moistened, pour the mixture and livellatelo. Bake in preheated oven for 30 'to 200 °.

enter the contest with this recipe:

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Gold American Buffalo Dimension

Bourguignonne Saturday Night

The first time we put the house on every Saturday evening we had friends over for dinner, a little 'because we were the only ones who live alone, a little' because go out always costs a bit ', the end of driffo or Draff we were always at least six to dance in the student cocks at home ...
And as always mica could stay all afternoon spignattare for dinner, sometimes prepared to make Bourguignonne.
Have you ever made?
It takes a kind of pot that should be supported on a support to keep it up and under the pot should be placed a small camp stove with fuel oil. Inside the pot
normally you put the oil and fry one of skewered cubes of meat that are on special metal skewers.
I make dinner for more light use the broth instead of oil.

pan on the stove to boil a good chicken broth

How to cook meat usually use chicken breast, loin of pork sausage and the sausage that is thinner and does so before cooking.

Cut the meat into cubes and let it do the butcher

Now that the friends are all sons and each one if they are home to ciaschesua The Bourguignonne prepare for the three of us because my son really like this thing where the skewers pierce the flesh.
E 'dinner waiting, a little' because the meat takes a few minutes to cook and a little ' because there are six skewers so you can cook 2 pieces of meat in the head and then eat a little at a time.

Battle of the kebabs!

Council to accompany the meat with fresh vegetables to munch on while you wait for your morsel of meat is prepared, like carrots, fennel, celery or whatever you like.

Sbizzarritevi in \u200b\u200bthe selection of sauces to accompany the meat

Along with the meat, then you can add delicious dips, olives or peppers, mushrooms, truffles, peppers or artichokes, short, wide at fantasy.

You can use the meat that you like, beef, chicken, pork or veal.
calculate that there is at least 200 grams. each.

I used this:
chicken breast, diced
Pork loin diced
sausage sausage cut into chunks

Mettete sul fornello normale la pentolina con il brodo (o l'olio) e portate ad ebollizione.
Tagliate la carne se avete comprato dei pezzi interi e disponetela su di un piatto.
Quando il brodo bolle trasferite il pentolino sul fornelletto che avrete già acceso e messo sulla tavola e incominciate ad infilzare i vostri pezzetti di carne e lasciateli cuocere per 4-5 minuti.
Conditeli a piacere con salsine.
Buon Appetito e buon divertimento!! 

Friday, March 4, 2011

Quadriderm Nf- Ringworm

Onions au gratin kiss-proof!

was a lot that I wanted to try to do the onions in the oven, so I asked, asked, leafing in cookbooks and voila, I've done it!

Ingredients: Onions
Grana Padano

Preparation Boil the onions as they are, or clean them without peeling, in salted water.
Allow 20 minutes of cooking from boiling water.
Drain the onions and let cool.
peel and cut into two parts.
Place in a baking dish, sprinkle with salt, pepper, a bit 'of Parmesan and a drizzle of olive oil.
Place in oven at 200 degrees for 30 minutes until they are golden.

You may want to avoid browning and eaten boiled and seasoned with olive oil, salt and pepper.
And do not worry about your breath, you can kiss whoever you want after!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Signs Of Ovarian Cancer Dogs

Under the dress ... Blogger

How we dress when we cook our food blogger?
Oh, the other / others do not know, I first of all I can say that they are not dressed in a bathing suit lying on the couch eating a strawberry dipped in chocolate.
Però mi lecco spesso le dita. Perchè le dita sono le prime cose che si sporcano e se non te le lecchi poi sporchi il manico del cucchiaio che poi sporcherà qualcos'altro... 
Tornando ai vestiti posso dire che di base, se devo stare in casa, indosso i jeans. Li preferisco alla tuta perchè mantengono un po' la forma del corpo, se devi uscire di corsa a prendere il cinno da scuola non ti devi cambiare e se hai un cagnolino che ogni tanto passa con le unghiette sulle tue gambe non ti vengono le stimmate...

I miei Jeans da sfoglia e le mie bellissime ciabattine azzurre

may happen that I see coming out of the flight only after a while 'to have the pants a bit' but it goes well, floured! ...
and then I am going I'm good, I do not like to wear, although I'm at home all day to cook things that I do not look good.
because I do not use aprons hung. Above usually wear a shirt and a sweatshirt with a zip, so if I make the dough and it makes me hot I can remove the fly.

My favorite T-shirt with hearts
shirts are the ones from home, a little 'chipped, a little' faded from one thousand washes, maybe with some little hole, but because they were my favorite shirt and force you to use them are worn out but I will not throw them.
And usually at the foot of comfortable wearing blue slippers, a heel, just by his aunt, Lise all beautiful to me because now they have taken to preclude the shape of my foot.

I ciappettini in the hair are essential for a food blogger!

hair usually pick them with a pair of colored ciappettini, I certainly do not find myself with the pastry hairy ...
Disappointed? Nothing heels, lingerie find anything navel, short skirt under no tie, but who cares?
I feel so good and at ease, with floured hands that occasionally sweep in jeans, a T-shirt with the impressionist painting of sauce, meat sauce, whipped egg, and hair that smell of freshly baked good stuff ... In short, all to eat ^ _ ^

But I write all this?
But of course to participate in \u0026lt;Under the dress ... Bloggers>

the collection proposed by Caris Cooking Planner to find out how truly the food bloggers behind the secret walls of their kitchens.
For details of participation and the creation of this collection of course I refer you to post of Caris.