Saturday, March 5, 2011

Gold American Buffalo Dimension

Bourguignonne Saturday Night

The first time we put the house on every Saturday evening we had friends over for dinner, a little 'because we were the only ones who live alone, a little' because go out always costs a bit ', the end of driffo or Draff we were always at least six to dance in the student cocks at home ...
And as always mica could stay all afternoon spignattare for dinner, sometimes prepared to make Bourguignonne.
Have you ever made?
It takes a kind of pot that should be supported on a support to keep it up and under the pot should be placed a small camp stove with fuel oil. Inside the pot
normally you put the oil and fry one of skewered cubes of meat that are on special metal skewers.
I make dinner for more light use the broth instead of oil.

pan on the stove to boil a good chicken broth

How to cook meat usually use chicken breast, loin of pork sausage and the sausage that is thinner and does so before cooking.

Cut the meat into cubes and let it do the butcher

Now that the friends are all sons and each one if they are home to ciaschesua The Bourguignonne prepare for the three of us because my son really like this thing where the skewers pierce the flesh.
E 'dinner waiting, a little' because the meat takes a few minutes to cook and a little ' because there are six skewers so you can cook 2 pieces of meat in the head and then eat a little at a time.

Battle of the kebabs!

Council to accompany the meat with fresh vegetables to munch on while you wait for your morsel of meat is prepared, like carrots, fennel, celery or whatever you like.

Sbizzarritevi in \u200b\u200bthe selection of sauces to accompany the meat

Along with the meat, then you can add delicious dips, olives or peppers, mushrooms, truffles, peppers or artichokes, short, wide at fantasy.

You can use the meat that you like, beef, chicken, pork or veal.
calculate that there is at least 200 grams. each.

I used this:
chicken breast, diced
Pork loin diced
sausage sausage cut into chunks

Mettete sul fornello normale la pentolina con il brodo (o l'olio) e portate ad ebollizione.
Tagliate la carne se avete comprato dei pezzi interi e disponetela su di un piatto.
Quando il brodo bolle trasferite il pentolino sul fornelletto che avrete giĆ  acceso e messo sulla tavola e incominciate ad infilzare i vostri pezzetti di carne e lasciateli cuocere per 4-5 minuti.
Conditeli a piacere con salsine.
Buon Appetito e buon divertimento!! 


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