Tuesday, March 8, 2011

2003 Roush Stage 2 Specs

Stadium Sunday to watch the Bologna

Picture taken separate business from the site of the Bologna FC

There are certain emotions which, unfortunately, I realize, they forget a little '.
To me, writing helps a lot. I did well at school, when I had to study, I dei riassunti, così le nozioni mi rimanevano più in testa.
Non che questo sia il riassunto di una giornata, ma più semplicemente un ricordo scritto, che penso mi piacerà rileggere fra qualche anno, quando magari le situazioni saranno diverse, e forse anche io sarò cambiata.
La faccio corta anche se è lunga.
Domenica pomeriggio sono andata allo stadio a vedere la partita del Bologna.
I biglietti costavano pochissimo, 1 euro per un posto in curva e 2 euro per un posto nei distinti.
Le previsioni del tempo mettevano sole e 14 gradi anche se solo mercoledì e giovedì qui nevicava mica poco.
Non sono una gran frequentatrice dello stadio, ci vado al massimo once a year to see the last or penultimate league. Usually on these occasions the stadium is quite empty, we forward to the season, it's hot and people prefer to leave to make a trip out of town.
Sunday however, aided by the sun, thanks to the victory against Juventus in Turin for 2 to zero, thanks to the popular price of the ticket, the stadium was packed full of people willing to enjoy a nice game of Bologna.
Curva Andrea Costa full

I, the popes, a buddy of my son and my son we are beautiful compressed in separate area B, in full sun, in front of the grandstand. I get lost looking at the curve Andrea Costa chock-full of red-blue scarf fans who celebrate the 100 in Bologna from the captain Marco Di Vaio, I thousand photos, here, there, the flags, the Curve, the Tower of Marathon short , a great feast.
Tower of Marathon

When you read the training that I feel a great Magone salt in the throat. I do not know if you know how it is viewed the formation of a team, the announcer reads the role and first name of the player and the whole stadium screaming your last name. Well ... Sunday was really the whole stadium screaming the names of players and when they called Mark, there was a roar of people who shouted: DI VAIO!

The game starts, Cagliari is a good team, and medium ranking young players already in the process of calling for the national team. The Bologna scores a penalty kick, then is joined by Cagliari and finally passed. My son, the broad smile of the result of a net benefit of zero is passed to a nervous frown and now demonstrates its dissent. It 's a pretty emotional child, and frustration comes out all in the attitude typical of children. Would you go away, do not want to be there to suffer, he will not see his team lose, and I understand a little bit.
It 's a beautiful day, sun, heat, all those people to cheer, hope, encouragement and, unfortunately, you lose ...
We are now at the end, perhaps the ninetieth.
The Bologna played with almost all the attackers, the curve does not stop singing the chorus to the end strength Bologna!
entire audience jumps up, like one man, every time there is even a small chance of scoring.
But now it is almost over, there are minutes of recovery.
After a couple of wrong actions around the area of \u200b\u200bCagliari Bologna flows, including the goalkeeper. When I see exactly
Viviano, Bologna goalkeeper, leaving his door and run up front I understand that players want to score, will not come out of the stadium defeated, they want to sign for us!
A great mixture, Viviano launches into diving as if to put the ball on goal with his hands, but the door is not his, and after many rebounds, we can rejoice, it's goal!

The goal of two like Ramirez (note the presence of 2 goalies ..)
I cry a little, while I laugh, jump, rejoice, cry. Most embrace the one sitting next to me who have smoked him all the time! My son weeps bitterly for him, happiness is revealed in tears and I rub his hair and look at him and I feel that a lot of good ....
The game is over. We draw but it is as if we had won the championship.
Sunday the twelfth player on the field was the result ...
be reinterpreted in 10 years, when the strain of modern life has made me forget all about that day.

update the post with the comment emotional game of the Popes:
The sacred and the profane
The machine I put it there on the street as usual, put it where my father first took me there. ;
Because the game starts here in the long walk to the side of the Certosa cemetery (the oldest and largest of Bologna), among many other fans eager to speak of Bologna, though in deference to subheading almost dead.
And then the stadium, the pagan temple.
What has not changed, the Marathon tower, above the Basilica of San Luca, water and 25,000 Cerelia faces following a ball in sync.
And then the choreography of the curve, the anxiety of the beginning, the joy of the benefit, the discomfort of the tie until the depression of defeat that there is now very close.
But then the unbelievable happens, the perfect goal to 'Last heartbeat.
E' true joy overwhelming and exciting to feel good while neatly stadium empties.
Dal tempio pagano di nuovo alla sacralità della Certosa, questa volta da dentro, con un saluto alla tomba di Carducci, bolognese eloquente, ripensando a mio figlio commosso, come me, 30 anni fa. Appunto il sacro ed il profano.



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