Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Differance Between All Inclusive A D Full Board


It 's the first time in my life that are completely fascinated by the cabbage, I do not know, I want to cook them in every way. Then, now that we are on the sunset of the winter and is still quite cold, these flavors seem reassuring and their perfume in the house gives me a sense of warmth. Okay, fantasies aside, I suggest this recipe which I hope you like. I found the cabbage in a supermarket bio (I discovered recently and is more close to home!), I hope you easily find the purple cabbage (my super for example have not), otherwise ... write down the recipe and will be fine next year :-)). Here it is:
Ingredients for two cocotte: 200 gr purple cabbage, 1 potato, pasta for lasagna, soy sauce, 50 oz Brie cheese, 2 tablespoons cheese, salt and salt .
Procedure: thinly sliced \u200b\u200bcabbage, a small potato cut into small pieces and boil them in salted water for 10 minutes. Drain thoroughly and the buttered casserole. Mix the soy sauce with cabbage, potatoes and Brie, cut into small pieces. Spread a layer of pasta on the basis of Pentolina, then add a spoonful of the first compound. The rest of the pasta you can chop and spread the mixture together, instead of creating the classic casserole in layers that do not seem ideal. I prefer to break the classic lasagna pasta cutting unevenly. I put a bit 'then a bit of pulp' of vegetables to fill up the pot. Sprinkle with a little 'pecorino and informed to 200 ° 30'.


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