Sunday, February 13, 2011

Credit Maker For Poptropica

Taste of my land - places foodbloggers - "The Contest di Ogni riccio un pasticcio"

pick up the challenge launched da Erica del blog <Ogni riccio un pasticcio>

Consiglio a tutti quelli che, per caso o per volontà, passano di qua, di andare a visitare il suo blog pieno di ricette e di tanta simpatia.

Questo è il logo dell'iniziativa di Erica <Sapore della mia terra - Posti da foodbloggers> che vi rimanda al blog dove sono spiegate le regole per partecipare:


Di foto ne metto tante perchè non c'è un luogo solo al quale sono legata o che mi piace di più, then leave the choice to Erica!

Bologna is a beautiful city. Not great but not small.
If he feels like one, can easily turn the center on foot in a day, enjoying the atmosphere of the city but not too busy.

The main center of Bologna is Piazza Maggiore, the famous raised floor said "Crescentone" referring to the similarity with the growing gourmet. The square is surrounded by
San Petronio, Palazzo D' Accursio , Palazzo del Podestà and Palazzo Banks.

Piazza Maggiore

Piazza Maggiore and Palazzo background benches

The Crescentone

On Crescentone there are always knots of people discussing politics or umarels of Bologna, Cinna running after the pigeons, students who take the sun, jocks sitting at the bar a bere il crodino.  

San Petronio doveva essere la chiesa più grande del mondo ma  a causa dell'invidia del Vaticano che voleva San Pietro come chiesa più grande, restò con la facciata incompiuta ed a dimensioni molto ridotte rispetto al progetto originale. Nata come tempio civico restò proprietà del Comune fino al 1937, quando, con i patti lateranensi passò alla curia. Fu consacrata nel 1954. All'interno della chiesa vi è la meridiana più grande del mondo che segna il mezzogiorno solare.

San Petronio

Next to this there is Palace Accursio that looks a bit 'to a bunker where he's the mayor even if the thing is now we have not the mayor ...
It 's a beautiful building, full of frescoes and rooms full of wonderful works, also houses the Museum of Giorgio Morandi, who besides being a very good painter was also a man respectful of what he did, and I think he used to bury the his garden now that the brushes were old and unusable to pay tribute to the work they had done.

Palace Accursio

Detail of Palazzo d'Accursio

Below Palazzo del Podestà you can play on the phone for wireless in the pillars of a trick dell'Arengo tower (47 meters high and slightly leaning).
The Palazzo dei Banchi the porch Pavaglione is not a real palace, but only 500 made in the scenic facade to hide the houses of the media market that they were all different and perhaps a little 'ugly and gave the square homogeneity.
Next to Piazza Maggiore is the statue of Neptune the Bolognese called "The Giant".

The Neptune called "The Giant"

Behind there is the Palazzo dei Banchi Market Middle , enclosed in the quadrilateral formed by Via Farini , Via Castiglione, Via Rizzoli and portico Pavaglione.
Although shocked by the modernization of the 800 end of Via Rizzoli, half of the market remained the "hole" of grocers, small shops made in the wall of what was once the hospital of Life.

Via del Mercato di Mezzo

Shopping in "Holes"

Lane In frogs, there 's Osteria del Sole, which has remained as such for 500 years. Here you can drink and nothing else. The food, however, can lead from the outside and you can sit there and consume it. And 'the last real pub left in Bologna.
Entrata dell'Osteria del Sole
Ma Bologna è la città delle Torri e dei Portici.
Le più famose sono quelle degli Asinelli e la Garisenda ma ne trovate moltissime in giro per il centro della città (ne sono rimaste 23).

La Garisenda e gli Asinelli

Torre degli Asinelli

Torre Asinelli

towers all belonged to noble families who used them as shelters during the civil war between the Guelphs and Ghibellines. In Galluzzi Tower is located on the library Mondadori. In Prendiparte Tower you can even sleep because it was bought by private and turned into bed & breakfast.

Detail of Towers of Garisenda
The tower
Asinelli is the tallest of the towers of Bologna and you can visit. Inside there's nothing to see but only to climb stairs, and if you suffer a bit 'dizzy ascent is a bit' thrill, however, if you make it to defeat the dizziness and fatigue, you will be rewarded by the view of Bologna whole and you'll understand why it is nicknamed "Bologna the Red".
If you still need to graduate but do not get on, say it is bad luck to climb the first to have achieved the coveted "piece of paper"!

also Portic i never abandon you, and when rain umbrella in Bologna is not necessary. In fact there are less than 38 km of arcades inside the walls and more than 15 outside. Walking along a heads up you can sometimes really amazing frescoes on every corner and meet small Madonnas or sacred images.

Portico Via Farini

Portico corner of Via Rizzoli, Via Castiglione
Very popular is the long portico leading to the Sanctuary of the Madonna di San Luca built to a height of 291 m on Colle della Guardia.
A Bologna who makes a vow to get something, I dunno, a promotion for an examination or cure a disease, often says that if his vote will be heard, it will go to the Madonna di San Luca on foot to thank.

Other places and curiosities of Bologna: Piazza Santo Stefano
is very impressive especially in the summer, houses the Church of Santo Stefano that seven churches because, as one can easily imagine, in one church there are seven built contained at different times. Every second weekend of the month there is a very nice antique market in the summer and often there are interesting events.
When I was a kid on Saturday afternoons they used to do "tub in the center" which consisted of walking up and down via that Independence is a long road from Piazza Maggiore to the train station.
They looked at the shops and the boys who were walking ....

Via Independence

If you were hungry you could stop and eat great pizza Altero , micro store that sells pizza by the slice, and a strictly square goodness never be replicated.
And if you did not have much money to spend but wanted to make a bit 'of shopping on Friday and Saturday we went camping , the big weekly market that takes place throughout August and part VII of the park Montagnola .

Montagnola Park

In the square there are stalls selling clothes, shoes, underwear and stuff for the house in Montagnola instead find the used stuff, my first jeans, faded and torn because those used by someone else, I bought them up at the hill.
If you do not, in Bologna runs under a lot of water and if you want to see an example you can go via Piella ed affacciarvi alla finestrella per ammirare il canale delle Moline dove erano attivi ben 16 mulini!!

Finestrella di Via Piella

Oppure potete andare in via della Grada che si chiama così proprio per la grata che chiudeva il passaggio del canale di Reno

Grata di Via della Grada

che scorre sotto l'asfalto di Via Riva Reno (appunto) e che non tanto tempo fa era tutto scoperto. Poi, un po' perchè servivano i parcheggi e un po' perchè non era molto salubre abitare sopra ad un fiume il comune ha deciso di interrare tutto.

Questo che vi ho raccontato è un pizzico delle cose e dei luoghi che potrete trovare nella Bologna centrale.
Però c'è anche una bellissima costellazione di quartieri limitrofi e di paesotti di campagna dove si può ancora respirare quell'aria buona che in città non c'è più!

Parco dei Cedri - San Lazzaro di Savena

Tenuta Bears and Mangelli - Frazione San Giovanni in the Budrie Persiceto

Lavino - Spring
Country Anzolese - Summer

Public Park - Fall

Snow in the gardens Monthly - Winter
Fog along the river - Fall

Fioraia di fronte a casa mia - San Valentino


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